50 thoughts on “Roxi Love the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam”
That's the risk of waiting to check sexual compatibility after marriage.
Maybe she agrees to marriage counseling to find out if there's a way to get the attraction back. But if it doesn't come back, this marriage won't work :/
So here's a perspective I haven't seen anyone present to you. I come at this from a guy who has had relationships like your BF's past.
There can be something exciting and addictive about unstable partners. The constant change in your standing and each repeatedly having to fight for each other back drives emotions to an incredible high, and it can create feelings of Euphoria that are nude to replicate in a healthy relationship.
But it's toxic. It is not healthy at all.
What I want you to take away from this is that if you ever feel like you are missing something and can't give your boyfriend what he needs, I want you to know the aspect you wish you could be is a symptom of a deeply destructive emotional pattern. So, there's nothing wrong with you. You're a perfectly good partner 🙂
Numerous people have referenced the other bullying-wife-lawsuit saga and someone linked it. You are in danger of being jointly financially responsible for costs and compensation. I would straight up tell her that her behaviour is presenting an unacceptable financial risk to you and the kids and that you are considering divorce if she continues. Also, is this the behaviour you want modelled for your kids? Unfortunately it sounds like it’s approaching obsession levels so she won’t be able to completely stop without serious therapy.
You should probably get some indoor cameras for the common areas and tell your wife it’s for security. You need to be prepared if you split up that she’ll accuse you of terrible things and the cameras should help with that.
This is difficult to hear. In my mind I hope that he’ll realize he’s missing out if he keeps searching for “the one.” And to an extent I wish he thought that I was worth challenging that ideal. I know that at this point I shouldn’t have anxiety over a relationship that’s supposed to give me comfort. Thank you for your reply.
Your in a relationship that should have never started.He disrespects you because you let him. Leave him alone and fine someone who is honest loving and dependable.
Nope. He asked for a commitment. He took you home. Now he’s afraid of being trapped? You’re absolutely right. Biggest line of bullshit ever. I would not trust him as far as I could throw him. Red flags are in full sight. Run. I’m so sorry.
Make a dating profile, send him a screen shot of it, then block and never respond to him. You can do better… fuck even being alone is better!!! You got this!
So let me get this straight, your relationship is amazing and you just love her sooooooo much, yet she took the time to look up an ex, talk to him for months and had sex with him. You think she made a mistake. I bet the only mistake she made was thinking the ex was going to stick around. Look, you can stay in this relationship if you want but don’t for one minute think she is really sorry. Sorry she got caught, maybe.
Cheaters are going to cheat. She did it once, she’ll do it again. I know you believe your relationship was sooooo amazing before she looked up her ex, talked to him for months and then cheated, but if it was, why did she do all that. Don’t be a chump.
is he for real trying to blame his wandering eye on that fact that he doesn’t get to fuck you in the ass? I don’t care how great he seemed before, he seems like trash now.
Eh, I would be upset too. For me and my partner both of these things would be crossing a line. I think it's okay for him to have boundaries like you do. It's one thing if it's a few sex scenes in a movie but isn't Magic Mike, like, specifically about stripping? I can understand him not wanting you to look at strippers in a movie or IRL. But he also shouldn't use YOUR boundaries as ammunition to argue about why his anger is justified. That makes it sound like he isn't actually okay with your boundaries about the instagram models to begin with.
Thank you! Such balanced and empathetic view. Yes, I considered the 'plunge' or 'casual dating' conundrum. What is a bit hurtful in my situation is that we were very close during the pandemic (yes, I know circumstances were different, and I don't discount this factor), but our relationship started to recede to less time together. I don't blame him or me, but, as others have pointed out, maybe it's time for me to face that our views are not aligned, and that this makes for a legitimate reason to move on separately. x
You're immature for exaggerating it into some big lie, when she just didn't want to waste money on something she didn't need. You're playing the victim. Sure, you can be disappointed, but you are overeacting. Did you even ask anyone else or did you just pout? Why not go alone?
Yes, but I don't want to do anything with her after she shouted at me and after her friends mocked me, which confirmed she'd told them about this. I want to forget everything and move on, but it's nude and I have this feeling it's all my fault.
If this is the same gf (strangely 2 years younger to OP's 1 year younger then) as the one 10 months ago, they must have finally agreed on vaccinations to get back together. If so, this is ANOTHER lifestyle issue they're having.
Maybe it's time for OP to rethink the relationship generally.
Ironically the people who think going to a therapist ” makes them feel weak” are actually making themselves look weak. Not doing the nude work of self reflection and working on your issues seems pretty weak to me.
It takes strength and emotional maturity to be able to talk to someone to work out your issues.
That’s the stupidest sentence I’ve ever read and honestly infuriating. And you didn’t have enough sense to ask your mom if she’d like you to do some grocery shopping. Who do you think is going to “put things in the house” when you move out? You think you’re just magically going to have the habit of checking for what you need? No. Let me tell you how this goes if you don’t start making some adult habits…
You move in together and think that you are doing your equal share bc you do slightly more than you did with mommy taking care of you. Gf is resentful and brings up how she needs more help but you think she’s being unfair. You do plenty! Much more than you did at home, but you guys run out of toilet paper or milk or whatever it is for the thousandth time and you didn’t check, bc that’s never been “your” job. She’s had enough at this point bc it’s not her responsibility to keep up with everything and manage everything. It’s not her job to remind you to pick up toilet paper. So you break up or the relationship devolves into her hating you bc your an adult child but she can’t leave bc she’s worried you won’t be ok.
Pick up better habits. Pretend your parents don’t live there. Buy your own groceries. Pay all of your own bills. Cook your own dinner. Do your own laundry. Clean your room and bathroom. Provide for yourself. Ask your parents how you can be helpful. No woman wants to raise someone else’s adult man child.
Your wife essentially had a TBI (traumatic brain injury) these can result in emotional changes with the #1 change people notice is being more irritable and impulsive and less emotional/empathetic
I had a TBI in high school and my parents and GF at the time both said I changed and I didn’t notice or think I did, luckily I had a good recovery
Your wife could just be a bit more detached and when you bring it up she gets grumpy/irritated because in her head she doesn’t believe she’s changed and your telling her something is different (at least that’s how it was for me, It really weird to have everyone you know suddenly tell you your different and not the same person when you don’t feel like anything changed)
Just some thoughts to keep in mind, good luck man wishing you and your wife the best
I understand all of that. I’m an over thinker and I also don’t jive with most people so I get really excited when I do. Just know this, anyone who is willing to risk taking drugs that could be laced with other things, has suicidal tendencies as is not well. (Unless they are really young and just don’t know the risk) it might be nude to walk away but it will be harder to be involved with someone who could be dead or brain damaged at some point. I know that a really very hot thing to hear and it may sound extreme but it’s happening in large numbers currently.
This has nothing to do with being grateful or ungrateful, or with how often he cooks for you.
Even if you are INCREDIBLY grateful for that nice thing that he does in your household (which, BTW, isn't necessarily something so special, if you are doing other household chores…it's just his contribution to the household), it doesn't give him the right to condescend to you and treat you like a halfwit.
He isn't your parent, and you aren't his child. And you didn't ask for his assistance or instruction. There is absolutely no reason why you SHOULD be “grateful” that he interfered with what you, a grown adult, were doing in YOUR OWN KITCHEN, was exceptionally disrespectful and patronising to you, and then expected gratitude from you for getting in your way, insulting you, and generally making a rude pain in the ass of himself.
Unless it is his home and you do not live there, it is not “his kitchen”, it is yours, collectively. And if it IS his kitchen, and he doesn't want you using it, then he needs to say so up front, not let you use it and then be rude to you every step of the way. Similarly, if he doesn't like you cooking for him because he is a picky eater, that's fine . . . but then he needs to ask you to please not cook for him when you do so for yourself. It's that simple. And he STILL doesn't have any reason or excuse for insulting you or interfering while you make food for yourself.
I have to tell you, though, if this is how he regularly speaks to you in any context at all, I would have been out of that relationship a long time ago. I'm sure you have all kinds of explanations and excuses about how he's “really lovely other than this” or whatever, but the fact is that someone who actually respects you as a person shouldn't ever be talking to you like this. Not ever.
Having unprotected sex while having a STD or STI – and not disclosing that to a partner so they can make an INFORMED decision – is sexual assault.
People like her should be faced with fines and/or jail time since they won't seem to take it seriously otherwise. Do not trust this woman since she thought it was OK to expose you to a lifelong disease. If she throws a fit or tries to make you feel guilty – tell her to fuck off. She's a disgusting person. There's nothing wrong with having herpes, sex while outbreaks are not present and no shedding is fine, but you have the right to know.
Reading between the lines – your fiance's friend has an issue – possibly gambling, addiction. I would move my money before your fiance's generosity puts you in a financial bind.
I believe in 2nd chances. Thus my response differs from most. At some soon point I would say “I don't care what you have done, but it ends now! In the past month you have sent him 7,883 txt messages and had 57 conversations for 456 . This thumb drive has it all recorded, everything! You have 20 minutes to end it. If you ever again have any contact I will throw you out, with nothing! 20 Minutes starts now!” And go set the timer!
You may want to acquire his info. Get a new thumb drive and set a password on it.
If it was his celebrity crush, would he uninvite them? If he really meant for it to be just friends, then celebrity crush would have to hang out with you on his birthday. Otherwise, I would reevaluate the relationship. It's fine to want to want to hang out with friends, but saying you can't go the night before…uncool.
i dont think there is a universal rule that works for everyone, and ofcourse i also dont think that splitting it based on income is fair. if you put in effort in your career, youre not doing it so someone could live luxuriously at your expense, its so you could enjoy extra money, isnt it?
also this 100$ difference that everyone keeps mentioning… lets say she contributes for the rent. who pays for the utilities? who pays for the food? who pays for anything they need in the house? bigger apartment comes with higher expenses, two people spend more than one.
and to answer this last part, no, i wouldnt insist on 50/50. hell id be fine if they said “i can only cover a third of the rent”, actually if disparity in incomes was this big they can cover just the bills, ill take care of the rent. but id go with a big fat no to “i want to move in but now we have to move to this bigger and more expensive apartment cause i need to have an office space as well. i will only pay 1200 dollars of all the expenses though and you deal with all the rest.”
That's the risk of waiting to check sexual compatibility after marriage.
Maybe she agrees to marriage counseling to find out if there's a way to get the attraction back. But if it doesn't come back, this marriage won't work :/
So here's a perspective I haven't seen anyone present to you. I come at this from a guy who has had relationships like your BF's past.
There can be something exciting and addictive about unstable partners. The constant change in your standing and each repeatedly having to fight for each other back drives emotions to an incredible high, and it can create feelings of Euphoria that are nude to replicate in a healthy relationship.
But it's toxic. It is not healthy at all.
What I want you to take away from this is that if you ever feel like you are missing something and can't give your boyfriend what he needs, I want you to know the aspect you wish you could be is a symptom of a deeply destructive emotional pattern. So, there's nothing wrong with you. You're a perfectly good partner 🙂
Start a legal eviction. Thats the only way that he actually goes. Do it by the book so he can be forcibly removed when he doesn't comply.
From the sound of it he is NOT ready for kids. At all.
Numerous people have referenced the other bullying-wife-lawsuit saga and someone linked it. You are in danger of being jointly financially responsible for costs and compensation. I would straight up tell her that her behaviour is presenting an unacceptable financial risk to you and the kids and that you are considering divorce if she continues. Also, is this the behaviour you want modelled for your kids? Unfortunately it sounds like it’s approaching obsession levels so she won’t be able to completely stop without serious therapy.
You should probably get some indoor cameras for the common areas and tell your wife it’s for security. You need to be prepared if you split up that she’ll accuse you of terrible things and the cameras should help with that.
Stop drinking
This is difficult to hear. In my mind I hope that he’ll realize he’s missing out if he keeps searching for “the one.” And to an extent I wish he thought that I was worth challenging that ideal. I know that at this point I shouldn’t have anxiety over a relationship that’s supposed to give me comfort. Thank you for your reply.
Your in a relationship that should have never started.He disrespects you because you let him. Leave him alone and fine someone who is honest loving and dependable.
Oh I took the 8MO to mean a child
Nope. He asked for a commitment. He took you home. Now he’s afraid of being trapped? You’re absolutely right. Biggest line of bullshit ever. I would not trust him as far as I could throw him. Red flags are in full sight. Run. I’m so sorry.
This post indicates either an attempt to troll, change ages, or someone with a severe mental illness who would be best served by a professional.
Make a dating profile, send him a screen shot of it, then block and never respond to him. You can do better… fuck even being alone is better!!! You got this!
He is verbally abusive to you. It will escalate.
So let me get this straight, your relationship is amazing and you just love her sooooooo much, yet she took the time to look up an ex, talk to him for months and had sex with him. You think she made a mistake. I bet the only mistake she made was thinking the ex was going to stick around. Look, you can stay in this relationship if you want but don’t for one minute think she is really sorry. Sorry she got caught, maybe.
Cheaters are going to cheat. She did it once, she’ll do it again. I know you believe your relationship was sooooo amazing before she looked up her ex, talked to him for months and then cheated, but if it was, why did she do all that. Don’t be a chump.
Being childfree is not automatically selfish.
Masturbation doesn't require permission, doing it next to the person does require permission Louis
I am no danger to her though
I don't understand how his behavior is at all suspicious.
Except Harry
is he for real trying to blame his wandering eye on that fact that he doesn’t get to fuck you in the ass? I don’t care how great he seemed before, he seems like trash now.
Eh, I would be upset too. For me and my partner both of these things would be crossing a line. I think it's okay for him to have boundaries like you do. It's one thing if it's a few sex scenes in a movie but isn't Magic Mike, like, specifically about stripping? I can understand him not wanting you to look at strippers in a movie or IRL. But he also shouldn't use YOUR boundaries as ammunition to argue about why his anger is justified. That makes it sound like he isn't actually okay with your boundaries about the instagram models to begin with.
Thank you! Such balanced and empathetic view. Yes, I considered the 'plunge' or 'casual dating' conundrum. What is a bit hurtful in my situation is that we were very close during the pandemic (yes, I know circumstances were different, and I don't discount this factor), but our relationship started to recede to less time together. I don't blame him or me, but, as others have pointed out, maybe it's time for me to face that our views are not aligned, and that this makes for a legitimate reason to move on separately. x
i appreciate this. i will ask my mom to come over and do it tbh. she prob will be happy to visit.
I can’t imagine ever wanting to do something that made my partner that uncomfortable, let alone get pleasure out of it. Throw the whole man away.
You're immature for exaggerating it into some big lie, when she just didn't want to waste money on something she didn't need. You're playing the victim. Sure, you can be disappointed, but you are overeacting. Did you even ask anyone else or did you just pout? Why not go alone?
Yes, but I don't want to do anything with her after she shouted at me and after her friends mocked me, which confirmed she'd told them about this. I want to forget everything and move on, but it's nude and I have this feeling it's all my fault.
If this is the same gf (strangely 2 years younger to OP's 1 year younger then) as the one 10 months ago, they must have finally agreed on vaccinations to get back together. If so, this is ANOTHER lifestyle issue they're having.
Maybe it's time for OP to rethink the relationship generally.
Yes, especially if you explain about the abuse.
Ironically the people who think going to a therapist ” makes them feel weak” are actually making themselves look weak. Not doing the nude work of self reflection and working on your issues seems pretty weak to me.
It takes strength and emotional maturity to be able to talk to someone to work out your issues.
Therapy = strength
Against Therapy = your the weak one
It’s a noble effort, but this guy is going to get taken for a ride.
That’s fine then.
I just have awful memories of a guy I was seeing who shaved his body – it was like having sex with sandpaper. And I have really sensitive skin!
I didn’t have the need to. It’s in the house.
That’s the stupidest sentence I’ve ever read and honestly infuriating. And you didn’t have enough sense to ask your mom if she’d like you to do some grocery shopping. Who do you think is going to “put things in the house” when you move out? You think you’re just magically going to have the habit of checking for what you need? No. Let me tell you how this goes if you don’t start making some adult habits…
You move in together and think that you are doing your equal share bc you do slightly more than you did with mommy taking care of you. Gf is resentful and brings up how she needs more help but you think she’s being unfair. You do plenty! Much more than you did at home, but you guys run out of toilet paper or milk or whatever it is for the thousandth time and you didn’t check, bc that’s never been “your” job. She’s had enough at this point bc it’s not her responsibility to keep up with everything and manage everything. It’s not her job to remind you to pick up toilet paper. So you break up or the relationship devolves into her hating you bc your an adult child but she can’t leave bc she’s worried you won’t be ok.
Pick up better habits. Pretend your parents don’t live there. Buy your own groceries. Pay all of your own bills. Cook your own dinner. Do your own laundry. Clean your room and bathroom. Provide for yourself. Ask your parents how you can be helpful. No woman wants to raise someone else’s adult man child.
He’s doing this on purpose.
Your wife essentially had a TBI (traumatic brain injury) these can result in emotional changes with the #1 change people notice is being more irritable and impulsive and less emotional/empathetic
I had a TBI in high school and my parents and GF at the time both said I changed and I didn’t notice or think I did, luckily I had a good recovery
Your wife could just be a bit more detached and when you bring it up she gets grumpy/irritated because in her head she doesn’t believe she’s changed and your telling her something is different (at least that’s how it was for me, It really weird to have everyone you know suddenly tell you your different and not the same person when you don’t feel like anything changed)
Just some thoughts to keep in mind, good luck man wishing you and your wife the best
I understand all of that. I’m an over thinker and I also don’t jive with most people so I get really excited when I do. Just know this, anyone who is willing to risk taking drugs that could be laced with other things, has suicidal tendencies as is not well. (Unless they are really young and just don’t know the risk) it might be nude to walk away but it will be harder to be involved with someone who could be dead or brain damaged at some point. I know that a really very hot thing to hear and it may sound extreme but it’s happening in large numbers currently.
Wow, this sucks on a level I can't even fathom.
Get a lawyer and start talking about what you can do.
I'm sending you good thoughts. You didn't deserve this.
Grosser than grown adults acting like kids? Lmao.
It sounds like he doesn’t feel the need to put in effort because you’re still there. Might be worth finding a partner who is a true partner to you
This has nothing to do with being grateful or ungrateful, or with how often he cooks for you.
Even if you are INCREDIBLY grateful for that nice thing that he does in your household (which, BTW, isn't necessarily something so special, if you are doing other household chores…it's just his contribution to the household), it doesn't give him the right to condescend to you and treat you like a halfwit.
He isn't your parent, and you aren't his child. And you didn't ask for his assistance or instruction. There is absolutely no reason why you SHOULD be “grateful” that he interfered with what you, a grown adult, were doing in YOUR OWN KITCHEN, was exceptionally disrespectful and patronising to you, and then expected gratitude from you for getting in your way, insulting you, and generally making a rude pain in the ass of himself.
Unless it is his home and you do not live there, it is not “his kitchen”, it is yours, collectively. And if it IS his kitchen, and he doesn't want you using it, then he needs to say so up front, not let you use it and then be rude to you every step of the way. Similarly, if he doesn't like you cooking for him because he is a picky eater, that's fine . . . but then he needs to ask you to please not cook for him when you do so for yourself. It's that simple. And he STILL doesn't have any reason or excuse for insulting you or interfering while you make food for yourself.
I have to tell you, though, if this is how he regularly speaks to you in any context at all, I would have been out of that relationship a long time ago. I'm sure you have all kinds of explanations and excuses about how he's “really lovely other than this” or whatever, but the fact is that someone who actually respects you as a person shouldn't ever be talking to you like this. Not ever.
it was talked about briefly a couple times, but always in the future (at least another 3 years)
Having unprotected sex while having a STD or STI – and not disclosing that to a partner so they can make an INFORMED decision – is sexual assault.
People like her should be faced with fines and/or jail time since they won't seem to take it seriously otherwise. Do not trust this woman since she thought it was OK to expose you to a lifelong disease. If she throws a fit or tries to make you feel guilty – tell her to fuck off. She's a disgusting person. There's nothing wrong with having herpes, sex while outbreaks are not present and no shedding is fine, but you have the right to know.
My dude, 67% of the population has oral herpes. You're an idiot if that's a deal breaker and you don't mention it.
That first of all. Secondly, please cite me the law that says you have to disclose ever having had a cold sore?
The fucking drama. Omg.
End the relationship. That’s a huge violation and it puts you in medical jeopardy
Reading between the lines – your fiance's friend has an issue – possibly gambling, addiction. I would move my money before your fiance's generosity puts you in a financial bind.
deserve nothing when divorced
I'm on board, but what is deserved, exactly? There's an assumption here, and I'd like to understand it.
yes confront him as he is lying & cheating, at only 3 months?!
wow! what a jackass!
leave him & get someone who will treat you like the queen you are.
Wtf how? Those ppl need to be investigated
I believe in 2nd chances. Thus my response differs from most. At some soon point I would say “I don't care what you have done, but it ends now! In the past month you have sent him 7,883 txt messages and had 57 conversations for 456 . This thumb drive has it all recorded, everything! You have 20 minutes to end it. If you ever again have any contact I will throw you out, with nothing! 20 Minutes starts now!” And go set the timer!
You may want to acquire his info. Get a new thumb drive and set a password on it.
If it was his celebrity crush, would he uninvite them? If he really meant for it to be just friends, then celebrity crush would have to hang out with you on his birthday. Otherwise, I would reevaluate the relationship. It's fine to want to want to hang out with friends, but saying you can't go the night before…uncool.
i dont think there is a universal rule that works for everyone, and ofcourse i also dont think that splitting it based on income is fair. if you put in effort in your career, youre not doing it so someone could live luxuriously at your expense, its so you could enjoy extra money, isnt it?
also this 100$ difference that everyone keeps mentioning… lets say she contributes for the rent. who pays for the utilities? who pays for the food? who pays for anything they need in the house? bigger apartment comes with higher expenses, two people spend more than one.
and to answer this last part, no, i wouldnt insist on 50/50. hell id be fine if they said “i can only cover a third of the rent”, actually if disparity in incomes was this big they can cover just the bills, ill take care of the rent. but id go with a big fat no to “i want to move in but now we have to move to this bigger and more expensive apartment cause i need to have an office space as well. i will only pay 1200 dollars of all the expenses though and you deal with all the rest.”