We (20M) got embarrassed plus rejected today when asking out a woman (20F) from college. Should I bring it up next time I see her or even leave it alone?

I got completely embarrassed today. I asked out a woman from my college We met and spoke with a few times. She appeared nice and I wanted to know more regarding her.

Today We asked her directly “Hey Melissa, when are you free for coffee? ”. She stood there looking totally caught off guard and nervous. She looked lower and was trying to find phrases to say. 15 seconds went by till she said “I don’t know…I mean I don’t understand when I’m free, I can tell you when I know! ”

I embarrassingly nodded my head yes and walked aside. To me this seems like an evident no . My friends told me to consider the “L”. Should I certainly not bring this up again to her?

submitted by /u/ThrowRAS4A
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