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JulietaFoxxx live! sex cams for YOU!


JulietaFoxxx Public Chat Channel

Date: February 6, 2023

17 thoughts on “JulietaFoxxx live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sure, the way you do dinner now is convenient….for him. Tell him exactly what you said, that you are not feeling the love, you are getting resentful, something needs to change.

  2. I understand. It's a double bind. You can't please everybody. I wish you the best in this.

  3. No his intentions do not matter when he is the one she loves and she was clearly in distress and instead of responding correctly he continued to essentially terrify her more. There is no coming back from that. The second she started crying and he saw fear he knew she realises she couldn't over power him and yet still he held her there. There was absolutely no need for that. All trust was broken in that moment. Yes they are very comparable as a person who claims to love you should have freaking let go!

  4. Do you guys have a healthy intimate relationship ? It’s definitely a break of trust but I’m not sure that I would break up over this…..was it a sexual fantasy of his ? Has he ever expressed that desire to you ? Being depressed is not a reason to get a happy ending….I would try to dig deeper before taking a final decision. He told you….which means he wanted you to know, it was a year ago, he didn’t have to tell you and risk the relationship. Anyhow, good luck OP, its not an easy situation.

  5. It shouldn’t have needed to be brought up more than once “hey I don’t like that, it hurts” doesn’t mean keep doing it

  6. Yucky, babe. Here’s the thing; if someone can’t even man up to the fact that when you do something so selfish & heinous, it is on you to claw your way back to redemption. You do whatever you need to, because you did something unimaginably weak & stupid. If they don’t automatically have that energy about them in these situations, they’ll never grow. Let him go.

  7. Do you find yourself adopting the persona of people you are around? Especially those that have natural confidence? I did when I was younger. It's pretty normal, it'll wear off after a while if so.

  8. This has to be fake. Who marries someone that can go two weeks without bathing. If it’s real, people have a very bizarre way of choosing spouses, this guy shouldn’t have friends much less a whole wife and child

  9. This is a super unhealthy viewpoint.

    Does he enjoy the company of his male friends? His family?

  10. Honey, therapy will only work if HE wants it to.

    He has been lying and sneaking around for your entire marriage.

    Let him face the consequences of his actions.

    You and your children deserve so much better than spending the rest of your lives hiding his mistakes.

    He hurt someone.

    Who is he going to hurt next?

    Please let this be the last time he has the chance to hurt you.

    A good therapist can help you get to the root of why you would stay with someone who treats you like this.

  11. Impulse control? Lmfao, please.

    Hates women? I loved my momma, I love my wife, I love my daughters, I love my auntie, I love my cousins. Hates women? Lmfao, please.

    Was cheating on my wife? Lmfao, that's hysterical, but legally true. She made it crystal clear she was “done” and we were “over”. Not cheating after that, atleast in any sane person's opinion.

    The only thing you're correct about in your assessment is is shouldn't have called the other woman a fat bitch. Even if she is, it was rude and impolite of me.

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