My (24F) bf (24M) won’t let me go to my moms wedding

So let me start with I am my moms only child. She is a single parent my entire life. She recently got a boyfriend and wants to get married in a couple months. I have been with my boyfriend for 9 years. He has “abandonment issues” because his mom and brother both moved away to different cities w their Significant others. My mom called and told me if I could fly out to the state where her fiancé is (where she’s moving to) and be at her wedding. She invited me, my boyfriend and my best friend who is like a second daughter to her. I was obviously excited and ready to go. My boyfriend automatically shut down and got mad that I “replacing me with your best friend). Mind you she’s going whether my boyfriend goes or not. I’m a stay at home girlfriend and he’s pulling the “I bust my ass working while all you do is wash dishes” card on me. Saying “I have abandonment issues and you’re leaving me for 2 days. I’ve tried everything to get him to understand that she’s my mom and the only family I have. Even he has told me “my family comes before you”. Now he’s throwing a fit saying “I don’t even want to go at all anymore” mind you my mom has been living with us the last year and some months. He’s very close with her too. What should I do.

submitted by /u/Final-Shower-6077
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