My (27f) husband (33m) says I’m not doing my job as a wife right and I need to quit my hobbies/career goals.

We've known each other for 6 years, have been together 4ish years and married for almost 3.

I had a bit of an "awakening" and had some major changes. Started going to the gym 5x a week, doing pilates 2x a week, eating better, skin care routine, shopping at farmers markets, changed careers and got a 65k pay raise, lost 80 lbs, got a new car, cut off my dad, stopped dying my hair and switched to my natural hair color, bought us a house, etc. Lots of big changes in the past two years.

My husband and I use to bond over video games, and I no longer am as interested in them as I used to be. (I was also a cozy gamer vs his shooting games, so its not like we played in the same category anyway) and it started a whole fight where he has said I'm slacking on my duties as a partner and wife.

Throughout just the past few weeks he's made comments like

"Why are you going to the gym at 6am, to see your boyfriend?"

"Who goes to the gym after 7pm unless they're cheating"

"Don't get comfortable at your new job, they'll lay you off as soon as they find a better guy for the position"

if people compliment me in public and dont compliment him as well, he gets upset later and tells me it must be nice to be a woman etc etc and I said no one complimented before when I was chubby, its only because I'm in shape now. It's shallow and means nothing? But he feels like its some big deal and "advantage" I have over him.

I recently signed up for a class because I want to ask for a pay raise, or start applying to other positions and instead of being supportive he told me that I'm being ungrateful, I already make a lot and I'm being greedy, and that my boss will probably fire me for being demanding. He also wants me to drop out of the class I'm taking.

The only "valid" changes is that I don't play video games as I used to and instead of sitting around the house alone when he's out with his friends, I went out and got hobbies and made friends on my own. He wanted me to ONLY hangout with his friends girlfriends/wives, which sounds like hell on earth for me.

I also used to cook for us 7 days a week, breakfast lunch and dinner and bring him his lunches to work everyday because him remembering to grab it off the counter was "too much".. now if he forgets it he just doesn't eat or has to order food. I also don't cook every day anymore, now I cook a lot of food three times a week and just freeze/meal prep it all.

I've also stopped ironing all of our clothes, and only iron as needed for myself and let him know where the iron is kept. So its not like they're life stopping changes. I'm trying to understand where he's coming from but honestly I think he's just being an asshole for no reason right now. Any advice would be really appreciated though.

Edit: Just to be clear, none of the new changes have changed our at home schedules. He works away from home with a commute and I work remotely at home. He's always had boys night or just seeing his friends at least once a week the entire time we have been together. I usually just sat at home and texted him about how much I missed him. He even used to say it was a turn off. I reailzed how much my behavior at the time didnt align with what I want my life to look like and just.. got up and chose something different than my normal everyday.

Outside of the gaming together (which we did at two separate desks, him on discord chat with his friends and me playing animal crossing in a snuggie) we never did spend "quality time" together besides date night, which we have still not missed a single time even with my new hobbies. I just do them when he's with his friends or he's not home. It's not like I leave him at home by his self to be at the gym often, only on Sunday mornings from 7am-10am for my pilates class and coffee with one of the girls from it.

submitted by /u/throwRAbigchanges
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