I 32F thinking of ending a friendship after a friend 35F joked about sharing my partner?

I have been friends with Leslie(name changed) for over 7 years and met her during a very rough patch of my life. I ended an emotionally abusive marriage which ended in financial disaster soon after we met. Over the last 4 years I’ve slowly picked up the pieces of my life and started over. Started therapy, made new friends, paid off debt, started a new career and met a healthy loving partner.

We used to be best friends and she had always struggled with relationships but so did I. We were there for each other after every breakup and bad relationships. Finally after realizing how I was picking terrible partners and lot of therapy I met my current partner. This has been my first healthy relationship and I was for the first time in a very long time excited about my future.

During this time our friendship changed a lot. She stopped putting in the same effort in our friendship and she even said some really hurtful things to me after our first real fight. I was deeply hurt but I continued to put in effort as I still cared about her. She still struggled with relationships but she was soaring in her career and even finished an impressive educational program. I was proud of her and thought we were both growing in different ways.

I stopped talking about my relationship as much as she would always say negative things. At some point I stopped sharing as much about my life since she didn’t seem very enthusiastic about it or would get angry at me about not telling her everything.

We recently went to dinner together to catch up and she made a comment about sharing my boyfriend and he can date both of us. It made me very uncomfortable. She also made comments about how he is only with me because there is something emotionally wrong with him(he has a learning disability). I have stopped talking to her and have not answered any calls or texts. My other friends are saying I’m wrong to throw away such a long friendship and I’m overreacting at her humor(she is known for making dark jokes). I feel she is not being a friend to me anymore when paired with her lack of effort in the friendship. How do I proceed from here?

submitted by /u/iwishcookieinme
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