My (25F) boyfriend (26M) creates food displays for instagram then wastes all of it

We’ve been together a year, and I like him a lot. I’ve always known he’s has a passion for cooking, but what I didn’t know until recently is that he doesn’t actually eat most of the food he makes.

He as a growing instagram following where he posts all the stuff he makes, but he doesn’t eat it actually. He just throws it away. I mean I guess I should have known something was up, because the stuff he makes is way too much for one person.

I asked him about it, and he just said he likes cooking a lot but usually doesn’t like the food he makes. His tastes are pretty simple.

Some examples of what I’m talking about include him making a charcuterie board, which he threw all of after posting it, a rare type of lobster, which he threw because he “doesn’t like seafood,” and a big Thanksgiving display last year which he ate a tenth of before throwing.

I grew up in a pretty low income family, though I’m doing better now, so seeing this just makes me feel uneasy. He grew up and well off and still makes multiples of what I do.

How can I help support him in his hobby while also not supporting the insane amount of food waste he produces? This isn’t a dealbreaker in our relationship, but I can’t help but feel uneasy about it. Is this more a me problem?

submitted by /u/ThrowRAFoodWaste
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