I’m (27F) recently dating (M36)but am I blinded by his bedroom performance?

I(27) met the perfect guy ( 36M), but am I blinded by the bedroom?

To make it short I met the funniest person I’ve ever met in my life. Our first date he had me cry laughing. I felt very comfortable around him.. like when I went to his house it was like we already knew each other. We fell asleep on the couch. We cuddled, we watched his fav movie and a horror film (I love horror films) he doesn’t like them but still put one on…. The thing is I have the tendency of ignoring red flags if the guy is really amazing in bed. This guy is amazing. At everything… in the bedroom.. but I had some reservations I’ll put in point form. My friends thinks there are some red flags that I’m not taking into consideration

  • before we even met he kept going on about going on vacation together

  • he has two baby mama… which he said they’re both amicable but when we were at his house he said one won’t let his daughter at his house, she’s never been. He would have to go to her house to see his daughter for a few hours

  • he kept going on about how much money(good amount) he makes and that he owns two homes

-our first date he kept hiding his phone.. like everywhere he went.. even when he was cooking for me he would take his phone with him. (I think he noticed that I noticed what he was doing and then sat beside me using his phone in my view)

  • he asked me if I had a date before him because I asked to see him at 10pm.. I thought he was joking but he was dead serious

  • we were talking about fav artist and I mentioned mine (Post Malone) and he went on a rant about how unattractive he thinks Post Malone is…

  • during our first date he kept bringing up inviting me to events in the summer like weddings and friends stuff

  • he has a very big package.. like the biggest I’ve ever seen and went on about how I’m set when it comes to that part of him

  • he constantly mentioned how he took care of his past ex’s financially

  • he seemed overly excited about my looks (he kept bringing it up) I’m petite (not short but small frame) and I’ve modelled so I’m use to strangers coming up to me and complimenting how I look but he kept doing it the entire night…

  • he has three dogs. Who immediately loved me and would interrupt our conversation and wanted me to pet them a lot… he seemed to like it but then seemed to get jealous

These are just things I thought maybe red flags but idk cause I’m also scared of not seeing it because I ignored it before with my ex and wasted years of my life..

EDIT: so to be clear his second baby mama was his longtime gf. She was dating him when his son was a new born. She got pregnant moved two hours away and wanted him to come with her but he refused because that meant giving up 50/50 custody of his son who he’s been there for since day one. So she wants him to see his daughter at her house with her so they can play family but he just wants to see his daughter without being tricked into leaving his son to be a family with his ex and their daughter. He’s a great day from everything I’ve seen at his house. Had a room prepared for a baby that has never been there.

Yes I agree with red flags but I do not want it to come off like he’s a bad father. Cause that would be a lie.

submitted by /u/ThrowRAchcolate
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