Update: I (20M) decided to leave my gf (19F) after she said “she should’ve given the love she wasted on me to her ex”. Didn’t turn out so well and I’m possibly in trouble? TW: Self Harm

A follow up post to this one


Now she's blackmailing me with self harm (by that i mean ending her own life). But she keeps telling i have no reason to care abt it anymore as I'm leaving her anyways. Her doing it will only get me in trouble with the cops right? I'm scared rn. also our relationship was a secret from everyone so if the cops get involved not only will my (conservative)parents know but also see me as a murderer? Please help me on how should I deal with this

Edit: same as my yesterday's post i can't see any comments in the comments section on this post either. So please forgive me for not replying to your comments. I'm reading them through my notifs

Edit2: thank you kind people for relieving my worry.

Edit 3: thanks to all the kind words of you kind people i really needed those in such hard times. Thank you very much! (Sadly i can't reply to any of your comments it's some kinda glitch i assume)

submitted by /u/_you_dont_know_me_-
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