Girl (f24) I (m22) recently started dated just passed a super important test. Need gift ideas

Hey guys, a girl I started seeing around 1.5 months ago and became exclusive with a couple weeks ago passed a huge test. She was super nervous about it and it’s a big deal she passed. Obviously, we just started dating so it’s not super serious yet but it’s progressing quite well, so i wanted to get her something.

I was thinking flowers, but does anyone have any better ideas? This is the first time in a while I’m getting into a relationship of this nature so I’m a bit nervous about taking steps like this.

Edit: thanks for all the ideas! I think I’m going to stick with flowers and a date for the exam, but we both graduate (her with her grad degree, me with my undergrad) in a few weeks so I’ll probably steal another idea from here for that. Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/epicskier123
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