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Dee Holiday & Clark Dent the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Dee Holiday & Clark Dent

Dee Holiday & Clark Dent live! sex chat

Date: September 18, 2022

7 thoughts on “Dee Holiday & Clark Dent the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You need to get into therapy and you and your husband need couples therapy.

    You are over reacting massively – if this was theatrics on his part without any intention of striking you, and you full well know that, your feelings now of being scared are not on scale with his theatrics.

    I'm not trying to invalidate your feelings of fear but your reaction of wanting to divorce over this is massively out of scale.

  2. You and your husband have a huge and basic incompatibility and there is no way to compromise on this issue: he wants kids (now) and you don’t want them (ever).

    I’m sorry but you two need to divorce and find people who want the same things that the other person wants.

    If you have a baby because he wants you to do it, you will resent him AND THE BABY. This isn’t fair to either of you.

    You also sound like you have some prior experience with eating disorders. Your hyper focus on weight and revulsion at the idea that you will gain weight speaks volumes.

    You will gain weight while pregnant. It can take a while to lose it. Your mental health will suffer.

    Please don’t think about it in terms of being selfish not to give him what he wants. Think of it in terms of the two of you wanting opposite things that no one should ever give in on. You’re not selfish, you’re being true to yourself.

    Hopefully he can see this and understand. But even if he doesn’t, you two need to end your marriage before you make a huge mistake that will eventually split the two of you up anyway. Because I guarantee you that your marriage won’t last if you have kids you don’t actually want.

  3. Mandatory? ? where is this mandatory? Atlantas? I know tons of adults who never learned to swim, or to ride a bike…and they’re fine. If this shallow reason is enough for you to doubt your relationship, then you’d be doing him a favor by setting him free to meet someone more understanding and less judgmental. Sounds like you’re looking for a reason to be unhappy with him.

  4. The bigger problem here is that she lied to you multiple times about the nature of their relationship. This alone should be grounds to leave the relationship, and she knew this – hence the lying. The fact that she insists on meeting him face to face to give him an explanation is pretty bs, and doubly so for making you feel bad about asserting your boundaries. You guys have only been going out for 4 months – tread carefully.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Last night he had a work event and was out late, no red flags there, but he came home by subway and instead of coming to the house he stopped at the atm close by and took the car out, and was gone for about an hour, got into a fender bender. And wouldn't talk about why he was driving other than “to clear his head” we have street parking. No one drives at 2 am to clear their head to risk not having a parking spot when they get back. I admit I stayed awake until he passed out and did some snooping. He called like 10 different numbers around 1:30 which is about when he took out $400 cash from the atm. now around 5am one of those numbers started texting him, asking for money for sexual services. I could see the destination he put in his gps and know for a fact he went there. When I confronted he came clean and admitted to calling different numbers from a shady “escort” website. And going to the address on his phone but chickening out once he walked through the door. All the cash is accounted for, the amount of time between when he would have been at the place and when the car accident happened was about 15 minutes so I believe that, but I'm so angry that he's trying act like that's the part I should focus on like he did something honorable by backing out. I'm livid, I feel disrespected, disgusted, and heart broken. The icing on the cake is he is now getting death threats from the sex workers pimp who has managed to get a list of all of our family names. I'm a mess. I've booked marriage counseling to start next week. But I can't stop thinking about it. I don't know what advice I need I've thought I'd be in this situation.

  6. A lie is an attempt to deceive. It sounds like what they're doing is in bad faith which is a giant red flag.

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