My(21F) boyfriend (24M) took all our money from my account to “teach me a lesson”

English is not my first language, so I hope you don’t mind the errors.

I(21f) and my boyfriend (24m) have been together for almost 2 years. I love him so much and he loves me. We work together (we are both freelancers in the same career, so when one of us has a job, the other goes to help, but I don’t get as many jobs as he does because he’s been in the industry longer than me) and all our money goes to my account and we’ve never had any issue about this. A few days ago, we had a very huge fight and so many things were said. He had work the next day. I spent the night crying and told him he would have to go to work alone. He was gone when I woke up, and when I checked my phone, he had transferred the money to his account. I texted him to ask why, and he said “it’s time I lead the house, I cared about you too much and you don’t see it. I’m going to be like other men, and when you realize what you’ve lost, you’ll tell me and we’ll go back to how things were before.” Apparently, he was hurt because he went to work alone, so I sucked it up, asked him to send me some money so I could take a ride and go to help him, which I did, but it was hell for me since I took breaks every 30 minutes to go cry in the bathroom. I ended up not helping him as much, but he had called his friends to help, so it wasn’t a big deal.

So, fast forward to today. We were having a conversation about the fight, and I asked him why he said what he said about being the “man of the house,…” and he said it was just to teach me a lesson, that I “should appreciate what i have,” and that he’s not like other men, since he helps with chores and stuff. I told him if that’s what he intended to teach me, then he failed because it only changed the way I viewed him as a partner, I told him how it hurt me and how I wish he hadn’t done it. He said he doesn’t regret it. I’m starting to think I overreacted, but on the other hand, I feel like he shouldn’t have done that. Please help.

submitted by /u/The_Angry_BlackWoman
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