My 36F husband 38M of 6 yrs frequently cries out in pain or grunts any time there is a difficult or intricate chore to perform. I dont know what to make of it.

We have been married for several years and this happens almost anytime there is something to be performed. He will say he jams his finger, has a cramp, banged something, etc. If it was once in a while I'd say he's just clumsy, but it is almost every time there is something we need to do. Today, the dog had a sore on his paw and I needed to take a picture of it to show the vet. All he had to do was hold the dog's paw. The dog doesn't bite, doesnt even struggle, yet he's grunting and groaning like he's moving a refrigerator. At this point it truly is getting old and seems overly dramatic. It's not that he refused to help, but somehow this seems martyr-like, passive aggressive or maybe just attention seeking. I truly hate to ask him to help with stuff because it just leads to eye rolls and arguments. But there are things like moving furniture and taking pictures of a dog's paw that come up in life. What do you think is his end game? He does perform the task, but it is almost always associated with some minor injury or ache or pain. He doesnt have chronic pain or serious health issues. He only does it when there's tasks to be performed. When I ask why, he just says "that's the way I am." I've tried to google it, but cant really find any relevant info. So figured I'd ask here. Has anyone experienced this or understand why he would do this?

submitted by /u/Olddogoldtrick
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