I (29f) might end my marriage to my husband (30m) tonight

My husband and I have been together for 3 years, I have a daughter (5F) from a previous relationship, and we have a son (2M) together. My daughters bio dad has never been in the picture, and my husband is in the process of adopting her.

My husband and I both work full time on opposite shifts, but he has 20 hours of mandatory overtime per week, sometimes more. Because I work a 9-5, I take our kids to and from daycare every day, and I’m at home with them by myself until he gets home at 2am every morning. My MIL is the only help we have in the area, she takes them maybe once every other week, which is an absolute blessing, but other than that, I’m basically a single mom with zero help.

My husband has Fridays/Saturdays off. My 2-year-old never lets me put him down, so I’m always behind on housework. Yesterday, my husband stayed up late and played video games, and got absolutely nothing done. He’s been sleeping for 10 hours today.

Yesterday, my 5-year-old pooped herself twice, my 2-year-old climbed into the shower with his sister fully clothed, and refused to get out, both of my kids has spilled yogurt and crackers on the living room floor, and my 5-year-old had a full-on tantrum about how difficult her life is because I won’t let her play on her tablet all morning. All the while, I’m trying to clean up my house and catch up on laundry because I’m the only one in my marriage that seems to be capable of cleaning.

My husband slipped a disc yesterday, he took off to the hospital without telling me and was gone for 5 hours. I was supposed to meet a client to sign paperwork yesterday, but because my husband was gone at the hospital, I had to reschedule for today. He assured me that he was fine to watch the kids for a few hours today and even asked me to pick up dinner. I asked him at least 6 times

I was gone for three hours (2 hour round trip for this paperwork signing) I got pizza, and when I got home, the house was a disaster. Our dog had pooped all over my daughter’s bed, and my husband was sound asleep in bed, leaving our kids completely unsupervised to run around the house.

I’m so angry he put our kids in a position like that. My daughter could have walked out the front door if she wanted to, my son could have fallen down the stairs. I’ve had enough, I’m packing my kids up and driving 3 hours to my mother’s house. I just don’t know if it’s worth saving at this point.

ETA: To clarify, I’m a nurse. I know exactly what kind of medication was administered and how it was administered. He wasn’t tired because of his medication intake, he was tired because he was playing video games.

I have nerve damage in my lower back, I’ve had days where I can’t walk when I get out of bed, but I’m still doing all of the work.

For those of you who seem to think this is completely out of the blue, it’s not. He continually makes excuses as to why he doesn’t help with anything, and I’ve told him many, many times I need help.

submitted by /u/throwramama94
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