I(26F) haven’t met boyfriends (26M) parents after 6 years together

My boyfriend (26) and I (26) have been together for nearly 7 years soon, and I still haven't met his parents.

His parents are very religious, and when they found out I was not Christian immediately disapproved of me. They found out that we also had sex around 2 years into our relationship, and this changed our sex life since.

When she found out, she was hysterical and would often come into his room and try to talk him out of the relationship while I was secretly listening over the phone. Ever since she found out we had sex a few years ago, he has been struggling to balance his mum's needs and mine – as his parents clearly wanted him to break up with me, but he didn't. Although, as a result – I haven't met them, nor do they want to meet me.

This has also really impacted our sex life, as we haven't had sex in 3 years. He didn't want to have sex ever since his mum was crying at home, and since then has never initiated. He isn't a very sexual person and has a low sex drive, and I am willing to not have sex in order to make him feel comfortable and not put pressure on his relationship with his mum. He is worried his mum will find out again and spiral.

We are intimate and are very affectionate with each other, but no sex or 3rd base.

It's been a few years now, and every few months I would always ask him about his mum but he always brushed it off to the side. But last year, I gave him an ultimatum and essentially told him that if he was not serious about introducing me to his parents and working on our sex life – then I would want a break.

He has been trying to work towards this, and I know it has taken this long because he isn't good with conflict and is scared of the repercussions from his parents. After nearly 7 years, his parents still don't ask about me – they have accepted that he is with me but do not agree with his decision.

Honestly, I see myself withdrawing from the relationship, and wondering what possibilities are outside of this relationship. I still love him to bits and want to build a future with him. But my patience has grown thin and I don't know if this is sustainable. After seeing my friend go through a breakup I do believe that it should not have taken this long for him to do this for me.


submitted by /u/ThrowRA-Helpful789
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