My(39m) ex wife(37f) wants to reconcile our marriage

I39m have been divorced from my ex wife for 7 years. We were together for 8 before that, and married for 4 years. We have two children together ages 14, and 12. We co parent, and each get our own week with the children.

I love my wife deeply, but the sad truth is she couldn’t stay away from the male attention. She is a very beautiful woman, has been her whole life. Men would always look when they walked by, and I use to think how lucky I was she was mine. Til I found out, she was entertaining these men as well. I had found text in her phone multiple times, I had let go of because it was over the phone. Then I’d find out she allowed them to take her on dates, or out to bars secretly after her work shift ended. She promised it was never sexual, and I never had any proof it was, but who knows. She said she just liked the compliments, and the idea of how many guys like to pay attention to her, that it gave her some weird high. That wasn’t my cup of tea, so I ended the marriage.

She’s spent the last years in therapy, in which she’s been diagnosed with Histrionic personality disorder, and OCD. She claims she’s is doing really well. At our last drop off with the kids she told me she had told her therapist she’d like to reconcile her marriage a year ago, and she hasn’t been on any dates, or tried to be flirtation. She said her goal was to fix us, that she wanted to be a family again if I was willing to try.

Knowing she has a diagnosis for why she wants this attention so badly, and her actively getting help to contain these behaviors, opens my mind up greatly if the possibility of a happy marriage, but I am also not fully sure I can trust her. I want nothing more then my family back, but I don’t want a repeat of the first time. Advice?

submitted by /u/ThrowRa_Pry
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