My Bf(29M) asked me to “look cute” when I (29F) come over to his place after I shared how I was feeling sick and dizzy after getting off work

Personally feel like it was inconsiderate of him but he told me that he was just asking and he doesn't see why I would be upset. We agreed that instead of giving attitude, I should have told him "I'll try my best" since it would have been more acknowledging and productive.

However, I personally believe that my response doesn't change whether or not his request was inconsiderate or not. He asked me to explain and I couldn't because I just feel like its just basic decency to not asks things of someone that aren't necessary when they aren't feeling well.

He says that he is not forcing me to do it but he shouldn't be given attitude for just asking. I don't know what to say. Am I just projecting my expectations onto him?

submitted by /u/OtherwiseLab8635
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