My (40M) Sister’s (43F) Affair & Divorce has been making my life much worse and far more stressful. I have had to take on additional responsibilities. I am just so fed up with it right now.

I have been married for 8 years. My Wife (35F) and I have a very happy relationship and two (7 & 5) daughters of our own. We are working class people, and it is tough to get by with 2 kids in this economy.

My sister was married for 13 years & Her divorce was finalized last week. She has a daughter (17F) from a previous relationship that has a boyfriend (17M), and another with her current ex-husband (12F).

My sister's ex husband (42M) is drug addict. He is also a pathological liar. He is also very depressed and suicidal.

This has led my sister to have an affair, and get divorced. I have tried to get her and her husband into marriage counseling and drug rehab. My sister is also a raging alcoholic and always has to have things… "Her Way"…

My sister's home is 1/4 of a mile from my home.

Almost every day at my house it is not Me, my wife & our 2 kids the family of 4. Rather it is My family + my sisters children and my nieces boyfriend they are basically attached at the hip. Making it a total of 7 instead of 4.

Feeding 7 people every day is significantly more expensive than feeding 4 people. I have to host my nieces almost every day too, and they often have sleepovers on the couch because things are so bad at home.

Normally in the summer my family will go on a vacation. We don't have money for that this year from all the extra expenses I have to pay on groceries.

About once a week my sisters husband (Now Ex Husband) comes over. Does he bring a Pizza to help out? No… He brings his big man baby tears and cries about his divorce. I Always worry this guy is going to kill himself or god forbid something even worse.

About once a week my sister comes over. Does she bring a pizza to help out? No… She just talks shit about her ex, and how great her "New Boyfriend" is and how he has this cool motorcycle and lives in big house and has all this money… I always think, "Must be nice…"

It's like they think I have an infinite fridge that refills itself automatically, and I always have to put up with their drama.

Neither my sister or her ex husband are taking care of the kids. It's me and my wife that do the homework help.

I used to be able to afford to: Take my wife / kids out to dinner… Too expensive now.

I used to be able to afford to: Take my wife / kids out to see a movie or some put put golf or something… Too expensive now.

I used to be able to afford to: Take my wife / kids on at least 2 vacations per year… Too expensive now.

I used to be able to sit in my living room and watch the big screen TV… Nieces are always in their now watching something.

I used to only help with 2 kids homework… Now it's 5 kids homework…

The grocery bill has doubled and we are all eating less.

Then there are all these added messes to clean up, and the Junkie ex that keeps stopping over, and my sister is totally off doing her own thing getting drunk herself with her motorcycle man.

Being the source of stability in a chaotic family is all so tiresome. I'm just so sick of it all. It has been like this for almost a year now with no signs of it improving.

I don't want the nieces to go hungry, or be neglected, but it's a lot of extra effort on our part to step up to the plate when their parents are not taking care of business.

TLDR: Sisters family gives me extra bills and stress and I'm sick of it.

submitted by /u/Euphoric-Beat-7206
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