My (30f) fiancé (30m) hasn’t seen me without makeup on

I’ve known him for 3 years and he just proposed to me.

When I sleep over I don’t wash my face until the next morning in the shower before I apply new makeup on. So there are times where my makeup has been worn off and super light but i still think I look completely different without makeup.

There was this one time where we were staying at a hotel without doors and he saw me without makeup on (side of my face) for the first time and he asked me why my skin was so dark or about dark spots I’m not sure so I frantically started to apply makeup.

There are times where I’ve been in the middle of applying makeup and my bf would watch me but I still don’t think he knows what I look bare face with just moisturizer on.

I mentioned this to my bf through out our relationship as a joke and he’s always been adamant that he’s seen me without makeup on and seen me at my worst and has said that he doesn’t care so I never really gave it a second thought until he proposed to me. I think even the slightest amount of makeup changes me. I look at myself when I’m alone by myself bare face without my hair done and I wonder if I’m even the same person that he knows.

I’m not sure what to do, he says he’s seen me without makeup on and doesn’t care. When we start living together I feel like he’s going to feel some type of way. I’m not sure if it’s normal to keep up the same appearances after marriage or if it’ll be exhausting. Does anyone have similar experiences and how did it turn out?

TLDR: My (30f) fiancé (30m) hasn’t seen me without makeup on

submitted by /u/ThrowRA_gffdghbh60
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