I (31F) don’t want to have children, and my husband (32M) believes he should break up with me

Before we got married, we emphatically agreed to have children. However, as time went on and I devoted myself more and more to my career, I realized that I was earning a decent amount of money and that having children could significantly impact my future and personal freedom. After all, I was starting to envision the possibility of opening my own business and pursuing something that truly excited me. With this new goal in mind, the idea of having children simply didn't fit into my life plan. I began considering the challenges, responsibilities, and sacrifices that motherhood would bring. I wasn't willing to give up everything I had achieved thus far or compromise my professional fulfillment based on a decision made years ago.

However, my husband isn't handling it well. He is disappointed and accuses me of being a selfish person for not wanting to give him children. To him, I'm stealing five years of his life by keeping him in a false dream. He believes that couples therapy is ineffective because we're not on the same page. I acknowledge that he is the best partner I've ever had, so how can I save my marriage?

submitted by /u/ThrowRADirector_5193
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