My (34M) wife (31F) thinks I’m a threat after I shrugged her arm away

TLDR: I shrugged my wife’s arm away when I was frustrated and now she’s making me out to be an abuser or that I may hurt her one day.

I (34M) have been with my wife (31F) for over 15 years, married for 8. I went to the gym and out for beers with friends afterwards. My wife went out with her own friends and we ended up at the same place and went home together.

The next morning I was painfully hungover. Comatosed. Wasn’t able to function. My wife picked up our kids from their sleepover and brought them home. I noticed my son (4) running around with one of my rare magic cards. I have no idea how he got this as I usually store them on a higher shelf.

My wife told me our daughter (2) got into a box of them that she was able to reach. This was my box of rares. Some of those cards are worth quite a bit. She told me she picked up all the cards and put them back in the box (not organized, just jammed into each side of the box instead of closed like it was previous).

I was looking at my closet where the cards are stored holding one portion of the box. She came over and pointed, practically poking me in the eye, trying to show me where she put the other part of the box. She was so close, I shrugged my shoulder, pushing her arm away. She started yelling and swearing at me. Calling me a piece of shit for being in bed all day. Even though I have been watching the kids most of the time (they were with me in bed watching a movie).

Today she told me she wants an apology for pushing her arm away. It was just a shoulder shrug. I told her it hurt her pride that I did that and she told me she felt unsafe. That she felt like it could have escalated and that she was caught off guard when she was just trying to show me where she put my stuff. She thinks this shoulder shrug will turn into a push or something worse.

I would never hurt her. I admit I was extremely hungover, sore from the gym and frustrated from the kids getting into my stuff and didn’t need to shrug her away but she was so close to my face.

She even said she thought about leaving with the kids. It’s ridiculous. I’m not abusive. It was a shrug. She doesn’t have a bruise, I didn’t smack her away. She was just getting in my space. I feel like she’s over exaggerating and making me out to be the bad guy. She says she’s worried today it’s a shrug and that next time it could be a shove. I think she’s being a bit dramatic. I would never hurt her.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/throwRA_SharpEconomy
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