My boyfriend (43M) of almost 2 years wants me (26F) to get an apartment or house with him and wants to share a bank account and call it “our” money.

I'm a single mom (my daughter is 6 and her father has her on the weekends. My current boyfriend is not the father) and I work as a dance teacher and make a little more money than he does. When he brought up living together(we both currently live separately) I asked him how he would want to split the bills and he said we would just put our money together and call it ours so we wouldn't technically be splitting anything. I don't feel comfortable with that and I've tried to explain why but He doesn't understand and thinks that I'm not trusting him because I don't think it's a good idea to put our money together. I left my last relationship with the father of my child with absolutely nothing and I struggled quite a bit as a single mom to get ahead and I don't ever want to put myself and my daughter in that position again. My boyfriend works full time and doesn't have any kids and has never been married. He doesn't know how to cook and he doesn't really clean his apartment up either so l'm worried if we start living together I would be taking on the majority of the house hold chores and also the bills plus being a single working mom on top of that. Am I not putting enough trust into my boyfriend? I love him but how to I get through to him that it makes me feel like that'd be putting me and my daughter in an un stable situation where I'm taking on too much?

submitted by /u/ThrowRABritne
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