My husband (31M) only wants to have sex with me (23F) for having kids

My husband and I have been married for 5 months, prior to that we were together for 4 years. He comes from a very financially well off family and as a result we have been fortunate enough to not have to worry about any aspect of our finances.
He's also very religious, and I also suspect that he's asexual. I suspect that he's asexual because in the 4 years that we were together before we got married he refused to have sex with me. Which is really strange because all of my other ex-boyfriends when I was a teen and young adult (like 18) would literally beg me to have sex. I'm not ugly by any means, so it sort of made me insecure when he refused to have sex and barely even touch me.
The excuse he used for not having sex was that he didn't want to "spoil" his "purity". So when we finally got married in December I was expecting our relationship to become fully complete, and for it to actually have a sex life. But nope, it's not much different.
In the 5 months we've been married, we've had sex 3 times. Once on our wedding night, and then the other couple of times I had to initiate, which made me feel worthless. Just tonight I tried to initiate again and he said "I'm not ready to have kids, so you need to chill out". This warped my mind, and I asked him if he only viewed sex as the act of reproduction, and he made me feel like an idiot by saying "you obviously don't know too much about biology, sweetheart".
I'm in tears right now, and I feel nauseous. My friends are telling me that they can't even imagine their boyfriends acting this way, especially when it comes to sex. What are some options that I can use to deal with this situation?

submitted by /u/throwra-constance
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