My gf(29F) likes to make a game of rejection and it’s starting to make me (29M) resentful of her?

My girlfriend and I have been dating for a few years and are looking to move in together. She is the loml and I am sure she will be my wife one day. However, she has these annoying traits that are making me resentful of her. Often when I try to approach a level of intimacy, she will shut it down with some form of rejection.

Recently, I got her food and picked her up from her house. After we ate, we laid on the bed and almost immediately she starts a play argument and refuses to cuddle or even let me touch her leg. She then doesn’t speak to me until she grabs my foot and ask for a ride back home. She’s then very affectionate on the ride back home. Other instances she will get dramatically “play offended” and shut down flirting, wrapped herself in covers so we couldn’t cuddle, and vocally refuse to respond to acts of affections.

When I have approached her about this, she has told me that she thought we were joking or playing a game. And that she had no idea I wasn’t also in on the joke. I don’t at all see what so fucking fun about putting up barriers between intimacy and affection with someone you say you’re in love with. And I wouldn’t feel that it mattered, if it wasn’t happening so frequently. It has affected our romantic and sexual relationship. And it also feels like I’m with someone that sees my feelings as a game to be played with. I’m at the end of my rope. What should I do?

submitted by /u/Ornery_Hand6776
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