I (35M) failed to lose my virginity to an (23F) escort. Need advice on how to date

I'm a 35 year old bald, fat, ugly but rich virgin. I considered using an escort for the longest time and did it last week.

Found her off a website and paid $400 for an hour. The first thing she did when I got nude was poke at my stomach fat and say "Someone's hungry". That got me super self-conscious and I couldn't perform at all. I couldn't even get into her. I could see she was getting frustrated so I apologized and left after 20 minutes.

This has just got me even more down haha. I know I'm not attractive at all but I didn't expect someone I was paying to point that out. I'm probably too sensitive and could have laughed it off too but I was already incredibly nervous.

How do I get confidence to get a real woman to like me?

submitted by /u/ThrowRACupcak
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