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51 thoughts on “ariannafraga1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Become a supermarket donor. Get paid for it. No strings attached is what your looking for and you could always do a 23 & me or something along those lines so if the child is curious at an older age and also does a DNA, they would find you.

  2. How did you see this message? Did you go through your boyfriend's phone when he wasn't looking? If so you have a bigger problem on your hands

  3. I HAVENT BLUSHED LIKE THIS IN YEARS ???? and like everyone else.. storing this mentally for possible future use. Thanks!

  4. But she says no and that I'm entitled to her money, selfish and ungrateful.

    She will gladly take anything you offer but as soon as you’d like the same you’re called entitled, selfish, and ungrateful.

    What do you get out of this relationship because you can do better than this. Her friends and a protein shake are more important to her than you are.

  5. OP, I understand where you’re coming from. You have a big heart. But I am genuinely afraid for your safety. Working with domestic violence SURVIVORS is not the same as being one. Your comment breaks my heart because it reminds me how helpless my loved ones must have felt when I couldn’t see for myself what was happening. You haven’t done anything wrong and we don’t mean to scare you. But you’re in a very scary situation. I am truly sorry if we have unnerved you with all of our pleading. When you’re ready for it, support will be here. Be very careful.

  6. Bad move on his part. It’s ok to admire someone’s beauty (there is ALWAYS a hotter girl) BUT if he isn’t showing you love and appreciation and he wants to be single to f**k this girl. It is what it is. Try move on.

  7. His daughter DIED and your saying it's ridiculous his member doesn't work? The loss of his daughter will effect him for the rest of his life, it's not like he Chose to get ED from it. Grief happens it weird ways

    What's ridiculous is being married to someone who uses your uncomfortable/uncontrollable Shortcomings to put you down in a PETTY fight????

    If anything is ridiculous here it's fucking you op. Instead of trying to make urself feel better about being a POS you come on-line to put him down even FURTHER. I hope karma gets you for this one

  8. Just take the tests and let him feel bad afterwards lmao. Unless you actually did cheat, you have nothing to fear.

  9. Why not message . You are older. She may be married and kids etc. Keep it light hearted. Don’t burst into how you were before. Just be casual. See if she says things like “my bf” or “my husband” or “my kids” … they are signs she’s making you aware of where she’s at.

    Good luck brother

  10. After she told you you took too long, did you explain to her that you had planned to wait until valentines day because you thought that would make it extra special and romantic?

  11. Get into an over-the-top moaning contest with him once or twice. Have fun with it. Then apologize but tell him that’s all you can think about when the two of you start moaning now and it’s killing the sexy vibe for you.

  12. Your relationship sounds a lot like the one I had with my ex-wife. She was generally kind and caring but she also had zero interest in doing much of anything with me. I worked from home while she worked with people all day, so she’d come home and want to check out until bedtime while I would want to interact, go out to eat, whatever. I wasn’t miserable, but I also wasn’t happy without the companionship that I desired. I ultimately made the incredibly difficult decision to get a divorce after 7.5 years and I am so much happier for it. I hope she is as well.

  13. Why is it unfair to ask your partner to be kind when you are disagreeing? I mean, shouldn't you be able to expect a certain level of respect from your partner even tho you are disagreeing?

  14. I was 31f with twins, and the division of labour was also greatly skewed. That said, my partner was not in the slightest bit concerned, and 2 years after their birth, we were divorced.

    I don’t have advice, but I do have insight:

    (1) PPD can lasts many years after the birth of children, and mine lasted until around age 6, when I really started to feel like myself again.

    (2) Antianxiety meds may or may not help. Being told to constantly go on them did not help. Being told I was crazy (though maybe slightly warranted) did not help. And being distant from my partner did not help.

    (3) making a point to spend time together (not just date nights, and quality time with actual conversation) would have saved my marriage.

    (4) Your wife is going to be a mom machine for a few years. Just keep reassuring her that she is beautiful, desired, cherished – that will keep her buoyant enough to get through the hardest years.

    (5) with twins, they become more hands off with rearing around age 4. When kids become really annoying with the incessant chatter and need for attention, twins kind of do their own thing. She will have a lot more time compared to her peers rearing singles.

    (6) Don’t “give” her time to do things. Instead, suggest that she takes time for her because she’s been working so naked, totally forgot to take her breaks and down time to rejuvenate. Don’t ask her to hand over control of task, but gently remind her that’s it’s your turn to tap in.

    The fact that you are concerned about this matter bodes very well for your continued partnership. Keep connecting. Enjoy the chaos while it lasts. One day, you two will be much older, a few pounds heavier, and the house will be far too quiet. Be present.

  15. What conclusions do you draw from this scenario as M25?

    That was an idiot for taking her back after her first confession.

  16. a turn off for me

    Are you saying you are turned on by struggle and trauma? Fucking lord. You’ve had everything handed to you so I could understand how the idea of someone who has had to work for stuff is enticing to you, but STOP fetishizing hardships.

  17. The biggest issue I see here is that you seem to think “political views” are their own thing, that can be disentangled from him as a person. Nope, his political views are his actual opinions about people and reality, including you. If he has racist and sexist opinions, then that's what he thinks about people, not just some abstract “political opinion”. It's how he judges people and it will show in how he treats them, sooner or later. People, as in YOU too.

  18. It's been perpetuated in Hollywood for decades. The creepy guy who stalk and forces himself onto the woman until she gives in. It's gross

  19. There are no examples of what you said that was not rude but she thought was rude. Plus the comment of “put down my ego” makes me think that she does have a point that you say and do rude things. The tone of that text is dismissive and aggressive.

    It's obvious that you two don't belong together. Take some time to think what you want from a relationship. Think about how you want to be treated and how you treat others.

  20. I fear that if I do leave her, I won’t be able to find someone again. And she is really great when she doesn’t act in this way.

  21. So I’m not crazy for thinking it’s not normal? Because I’ve grown so paranoid. I think I’m gonna vomit every time I call her when she’s out with friends and she doesn’t respond.

  22. I’m not seeing anything else that can be done here. You are no longer smoking. You’re washing your clothes and nothing is working. Sounds to me like you just have to ride out the next 4 months.

  23. Yeah. Honestly, I'd keep the guys if they're true friends. Dump the rest of them. ex-fiancé, her girlfriends, the ex-inlaws, the whole shebang.

    I don't know who's paying for the wedding, but if it's OP, I'd look into options for legal actions to recoup costs.

    Oh and if OP is reading this: get your ass tested for STD's pronto. You never know if this was the first time she's cheated. Probably not, going by 'she was the popular girl in college' = code for party girl / caroussel rider.

  24. So how do I bring it up without sounding like “I’m jealous” or “I don’t trust you to have male friends”?

    Jealousy is normal. You can feel jealousy and envy and sometimes it's 100% justified and appropriate.

    Just talk about it. Don't make demands. Don't accuse. Be very specific about the behaviors and how they make you feel. Don't bring a manic, panicked energy to the conversation.

    “Hey, I've got some jealousy eating at me and I want to talk to you about it. You're talking a lot about Jacob, when we're out together you seem to pay a ton of attention to him, and it seems different to me than how you treat other men you're friends with. No accusations here. No shaming or scolding, just sharing how I feel. Do you think I'm totally misreading things?”

  25. Honestly I think you're both weird for any resentment toward the others' job or pay.

    This advice is for both you and your girlfriend: work on getting a different job that will make you happier or at least make more money instead of spending time and effort on things like breaking down the difference per hour worked and irrelevant stuff like that. It's all about perspective. If you're unhappy in your situation, change it. Instead, you're resenting someone else for what they have. Weird. That is not how to ever he happy in life and it's definitely not a team dynamic.

    Be real. Say you're gonna go to the gym with or without her and then don't respond if it makes her mad. She'll get over it. And then she'll get used to it. These are weird issues to have when peope are actually put here getting screwed and betrayed by their partners.

  26. “You're right. We are over. I respect myself far too much to date anyone who believes my sister's falsehoods over my evidence.”

  27. Did I say the relationship was abusive? I merely pointed out that abusive relationships are usually long ones and why we shouldn't use length of time together as a measurement of successful.

    While I absolutely think its wrong to date a recently out of highschool teenager as an adult in their mid twenties, the real issue lies with OP's resentment of his partner. This is not what a healthy partner does.

    You are up and down this thread supporting age gap relationships. Do you happen to be in one? I always find it amusing that those who are vocally supportive for them are usually in one themselves.

  28. First, happy birthday!

    Next, I wouldn’t say you’re being unreasonable not to be happy about the gift, but strictly in the sense that you told him you want something meaningful and he disregarded that.

    I wouldn’t be upset with him that he got the kettle bell from a perspective that he’s telling you to work on your body in a passive aggressive manner. I’d take this as him listening to you about wanting it and he went ahead and got it. I don’t think there has to be a deeper meaning than that.

    As for the plan, just talk to him about it. No sense in staying quiet building up resentment just expecting to be let down. Good luck.

  29. C'mon, man. I don't even need to have studied for this test, and I still know the answer. And so do you.

    This teenage rave drama crap. You don't even need to know any more to the story, so stop pain-shopping. She lied. Multiple times. You caught her. The pillars of the relationship, love, trust and respect? She's taken away trust, and she sure-as-shit has no respect for you. What are you left with? Love? That and $5 gets you a coffee. Get the hell out while you still have self-respect. At least she hasn't taken that away.


  30. I think he needs therapy and you need someone who can do what you like to do known as “non negotiables”

  31. This is exactly it. I helped my wife pay off her car. It's hers, she chose it, she drives it 98% of the time, and what not. I paid over half it's msrp because she asked if I could help her pay it off a bit faster. It's not mine just because I paid it off.

    It's her car first before it's ours? OP is being real weird about ownership and money. It's reeks of possessiveness.

  32. If you want to be frank speak the truth, if you want to simply avoid any argument speak that things are not working and break up. If you want to be even more vague finish by leaving a note and block him everywhere. After all, he doesn't even deserve that much consideration.

  33. Yeah man seems like she should get out of the current relationship and clear her head before doing anything else. Seems like she has a terrible habit of jumping into massive commitments

  34. I was the one who felt pressured, turns out it was because i am unable to romantically love someone(leading to my main comment)

  35. I think everyone is looking at this I a ” oh hes totally a red flag/abuser/terrible father balh blah blah ” way.

    So lemme switch it up. He genuinly may have wanted to tell you sooner but if you're as anit child as you seen that would pressure anyone into being less likely to be upfront. I dont even have kids, never plan on it, had an abortion and play on tubal ligation. However if I had a child and someone made it so clear they hated the idea and never wanted children, I know I would be very hesitant and scared to tell someone else that I'm interested in o already have one.

    You made it clear hes a single dad so obviously it's going to be tough and I'm sure hes trying his best, but if you both really aren't a good fit and you have no interest in a relationship with a child. Then there is only one thing you can do. Break up and move tf on. His kid clearly doesnt like you either and theres no fixing that otherwise you would have already made a tiny bit of progress.

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