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Imaray_1_live sex stripping with hd cam


61 thoughts on “Imaray_1_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. My bf dated a girl that’s still in our large friend group and she tried some shit like this at breakfast (we were all at a wedding and having breakfast at Dennys). When it was his turn to order this bish reminds the waitress to make sure it’s not REGULAR bacon because he only eats TURKEY bacon (trying for some kind of connection flex? I dunno). Everyone got a weird look and I just said “wow, you have a great memory and seem so smart! Wonder why X stopped fucking you? Should that be the breakfast topic or can we all just put our dicks away and enjoy a nice time?” She stopped that shit real fucking quick. You gotta nip that nonsense right in the bud.

  2. He hit you out of anger, on purpose so it doesn't matter it was with a pillow. He called you a bitch.

    You could have accidentally just absolutely clobbered his balls and it wouldn't justify this kind of behavior. I hate to say it, but the man snapped and showed you his true colors. He has anger issues he isn't willing to deal with.

    You need to take care of yourself.

  3. I married my best friend. I love him. There are so many good things about him except for a few things….most notably his irrational anger.

    Let me correct you that you “loved” him past tense. A relationship is not easy to maintain and most relationships fail either in a breakup or long term toxic relationship where you feel alone even though you have the label. He might have been a guy you loved in the beginning and did all these amazing things, but reality is he stopped at one point to put effort into the relationship. A relationship isnt a sprint where you try to be the best in the short run and fizzle out, get comfortable and no longer try. It is a marathon where there is constant effort and you are kept on your toes. Tbh not a lot of people can keep that effort up because they don't really want a constant relationship. They just want to get comfortable and get lazy. That's why finding a long term partner isn't easy. You make wrong choices, you learn from them, and move on. It is difficult process. This is not a healthy relationship and you are just clinging onto past feelings. The present reality is that this man isn't the same person you love anymore.

  4. Yeah, this guy is either a) dumb as a bag of hair or b) cheating on you and trying to twist your actions to “justify” it (there's never a valid excuse).

    Either way, seriously question whether you want to be with this guy if this is how he reacts to a trivial situation like this.

  5. Hitting a girl is b.s.

    *Never go back if he hits you, or I'll probably cry at your funeral.” I've been saying this line for 42 years to different girls.

    My sister, mom, aunt, friends, and people I've just met. My aunt didn't listen.

    Men if she hits you, defense is ok, but it's never okay to hit over words.

  6. The audacity he has to expect a gift for his son yet abandoned his daughter. I’d keep my distance from him & his family, I’d show face & drop the gifts off when they’re not there.

  7. Hell no . It’s one thing to be hanging out with another guy , that’s fine but there should be some type of boundaries . For example , you should be invited here and there . If my boyfriend was hanging out with another girl and I was never invited and she said she didn’t want to meet me ??? oh ?hell ?no . That is super suspicious and disrespectful. Don’t let anyone gas light you into thinking that it’s not . I’m all for allowing boyfriends/ girlfriends to have opposite gender friends , but when it starts to become disrespectful or sus then bye . Either you need to be invited next time or see ya bud ✌️tell that dude to move along

  8. You can’t force an addict who doesn’t want to stop to stop. The only thing you can do is say “your drinking hurts me”, and eventually “I refuse to have anything to do with you until you stop drinking”. There’s nothing else you can do.

  9. u/Alert-Screen-7967, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. I think you need to have a difficult, but necessary conversation with her and ask her if that happened to her. Tell her it won't change how you feel about her, you just want to be there for her and will do anything you can to help her through this.

  11. Asking her on a date tells her how you feel. On the date you can say that you are catching feels if it comes up organically.

  12. Hello /u/AnyHuckleberry5143,

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  13. I was even planning to throw the word “beard” for good measure. Sorry, but they may not be sexual, but it feels like they are in a relationship and you're the interloper

  14. Watch a movie and just put your arm around her. That may take the attention off of it and put you more at ease. These things get easier with time, just take things one step at a time. You got this!

  15. Do what you want. That said you need to work on yourself. This was a friend not a lover, people drift apart. There is far to much angst going on.

  16. If you have talked with her and she continues to do it, she does not respect you or your boundaries. Have a serious, real conversation with her, lay it out that if it continues, you are walking.

    No amount of love or sexual connection should go beyond each other's comfortability.

  17. I understand your GF. Many people are not OK with their SO’s being friends with their exes. I am one of them. There are 6.5 billion people living in the world, I am sure you can on-line without your ex as your friend. And if you can’t, it means you are not over her and you should not date yet.

  18. I don't get to decide custody. The courts do. And it's not what you know, it's what you can prove in court. I risk leaving my daughter in his care without my supervision. Does that sound wise?

  19. “Clubbing, going out, and drinking” isn’t really a character flaw. “Lying a lot” is, but if she’s just constantly lying to you now you’ll likely never know for sure if it’s your DNA. Not much you can do but grieve and move on.

  20. Thanks for being practical, and yes I did tell him that the second he asks to borrow money from me we are through

  21. This is peak sunk cost fallacy. Ask him point blank, “do you want to marry me and have a family together this year.” If he doesn’t say yes then He doesn’t want to marry you or have a family with you. Break up asap and so you can move on and not waste any more time with the wrong person. It’s been 4 years— more time is not going to yield either of you new information so don’t give it more time.

    The sooner you leave the sooner you can move on and get yourself out there and be one step closer to finding your person.

  22. It simply means she isnt worth your time.. Do not take her back she will come back.. do not.. take her back.. some girls are like that. Immature.

  23. Cut him some slack, he obviously can't remember how stressful school used to be as it was 20 years ago, when you weren't even born.

    I'm obviously joking but I can't help but wonder what a 23 year old thinks she will get out of that relationship. I'm sure there's something wrong with him, but what are your plans? Having a relationship for let's say 5 years, marry when he's 51 and maybe have a kid that you'll then raise while he's starting to scratch 60, having a teenager with a 70 year old etc.

    If that sounds good to you, that's fine. I just personally can't wrap my head around that, especially when the man in question has roommates at 46, working a “lax job”.

  24. That was my original thought. But I also said that we had sex again yesterday, a week later, and she hadn’t then either

    I also want to be very clear because a lot of people are saying this: she has always trimmed for herself since before we even met. She does not shave for me.

  25. You're not a child. The days of everyone getting punished for one person's transgression are behind you. Welcome to the age of personal responsibility and accountability.

  26. Did your tell him it was important to you that he spend the night before your birthday with you and wish you happy birthday at midnight? If not, he's not a mind reader.

  27. You should be asking what you want. If you want to salvage this, a long talk and couples counseling is needed.

    Please know that it is not throwing away time invested. Don’t throw your future time into this relationship if it isn’t what you want. Only that would be timed wasted.

    How do you know what you want? You take some time. Tell her you need some time to figure out what you want because you know about the other guy. Go on a camping trip, van trip, resort, visit a good friend. Go for at least a week and think about the future. Can you get past this? Do you want to?

  28. So she did it with guys who she didn’t feel safe with, but you her partner she doesn’t want to do it with. How does that make sense?

    Who are you more likely to get blackout drunk with – your friend of 6 years or a person you met that evening?

  29. His comments and justifications probably work on that poor girl. How can anyone be so unaware and self centered?

  30. If she wasn’t gaslighting him from here to kingdom come I’d say it was worth salvaging but she’s being pathological at this point. There’s nothing worth saving here.

  31. If he lives in the US and has had consensual sex with women then he understands consent. I doubt he would just rape her even if he was selfish. Especially living in a country where that can land you in jail.

  32. Who hurt you? I think I have a better read on him since I know him. How about some advice on how to let this go and move on?

  33. Your responsibility to do what? you havent asked for advice at already did something, you banged a person with a BF. Now you know everything you need to know about the girl and what would happen when you date her..Want to guess what that would be?it seems pretty obvious but maybe you cant see it.

  34. It's pretty common for women to avoid confrontation in the moment.

    It could be that he kind of sprung it on her, and her default reaction is just to play along until she can get away.

    If she told you about it, you probably don't have anything to worry about. Unless she is obviously & overtly trying to make you jealous by describing his attractiveness etc.

  35. It's pretty common for women to avoid confrontation in the moment.

    It could be that he kind of sprung it on her, and her default reaction is just to play along until she can get away.

    If she told you about it, you probably don't have anything to worry about. Unless she is obviously & overtly trying to make you jealous by describing his attractiveness etc.

  36. His actions say that he doesn’t give a shit about your needs or feelings. Now it’s up to you to decide if you’re willing to tolerate it.

  37. As soon as I see 0 comment karma when I click someone's username…after 12 hours of it being posted.. I assume it's fake or we're not getting the full story.

    Don't drive exhausted people.

  38. Why the hell would she be a virgin at the big age of 25 and then decide to get married to the first person she sleeps with if she was going to act like this?? Like THEN was the time for her to make the decision that she needed to get some experience before she commits to marriage.

  39. Proposals are supposed to be a reflection of each others wants, your proposal contained nothing of you and he was going through the motions. Obviously you've been dreaming of this moment for a very long time and it feels like he put little to no effort in.

    Proposals are supposed to be a reflection of each other's wants, your proposal contained nothing of you and he was going through the motions. Obviously you've been dreaming of this moment for a very long time and it feels like he put little to no effort in. .

  40. Attraction is not a permanent state of being. It goes up and down due to a variety of factors. I lose attraction to girls that constantly flake out on dates, for example.

    Sounds like this dude’s depression and mental problems taking priority over his desire to make you happy made you blah out. This is normal.

  41. 100% agree with this. I won’t overly comment on the financials as my rule is generally not to judge anybody’s financials if I’m not paying their bills but I definitely feel a waaaay bigger problem is not wanting to move in with someone after two years dating.

    This relationship seems stagnant, not saying that there is a correct pace but if after two years moving in together hasn’t come up and the finance thing is clearly an issue between them, what are they doing?

  42. I don’t know how to proceed with the relationship.

    Really? You don't know to proceed with the man that has constantly lied to you about being god damned married* and 5 years older than he claimed to be?

  43. Honestly I was like you at one point. Super straight and narrow, dating a smoker. I asked him to cut back or stop as I didn't think it was good for him. He agreed to not do it around me and that he would cut back but quilting wasn't something he was currently willing to do. If you were okay with the occasional cigar I don't see why hitting a vape did it. Like I said you can decide to break up with him or you can just make a rule that you don't see it, smell it or breathe it in. This way it will have no bearing on your relationship or health. I think that may be a better way to go about it.

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