My bf [30M] wants me [25F] to stop wearing makeup, getting my nails done, and straightening my hair. Is he trying to control me?

My boyfriend recently told me he does not like when I wear makeup, get my nails done, straighten my curly hair, and wear perfume. He said when I do so I am a fake person, I am disrespecting him and he constantly says I smell like a whore. Mind you he knew before he started dating me that I like to do those things listed. I rarely get my nails done and I only straighten my hair when I am getting a haircut or during fall/winter season because my hair is easier to maintain. I wear makeup to work but it is not heavy. I only do my eyelashes, eyebrows, and some blush. I love my perfume and I love smelling good I don’t see an issue with it. I’ve told him multiple times that it is very disrespectful to tell me I smell like a whore and his rebuttal is that is what whores smell like. I told him I feel like he is trying to change me, control me and disrespect me. He claims he is not.

submitted by /u/mintchocolatechic
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