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Kira Lopez on-line sex chats for YOU!


Open my curtains for the neighbours to see [Multi Goal]

Date: October 5, 2022

31 thoughts on “Kira Lopez on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. How is it unrealistic? I feel bad when he's watching this, it makes me sad, and feeling like he would prefer a girl with bigger tits. It reminds me of the fact that I have small breasts. He's been reluctantly understanding, but understanding nonetheless so far, but suddenly it's a big problem for him.

  2. But either way I feel like I do. If someone tells me to stop doing something even though I don't believe it's wrong, why would I stop

    Because you made your girlfriend cry and beg you to.

    Your the one who said I was trying to blame the whole thing on my wife when I'm trying to see what I can do to let this not get out of hand.

    Because you did.

  3. I’m just trying to understand why someone would hook up with a woman that way and then feel the need to apologise. Sounds iffy to me.

  4. I’m just trying to understand why someone would hook up with a woman that way and then feel the need to apologise. Sounds iffy to me.

  5. I see the multitude of angry responses/messages. I agree I messed up royally. When he gets back from the gym tonight I'm going to sit him down and attempt to reconcile/talk.

    I however do find @senioroldguys response valid as well. The loss of a child is something I can't even begin to imagine. However it was 5.5 years ago and at this point its just an excuse. His ex moved on just fine so he can too. I will ask him to try pills for treatment and therapy for the both of us.

  6. She is NOT a friend to you. She has no moral compass and has poor character and judgement. She should know better. If you have the evidence please tell his wife. She and the children deserve better. Think about it this way, would you want to know?

  7. Without knowing more? He does sound like an absolute shithead.

    But, as someone else said, what's the advice needed? She's your friend so all you can really do is console, talk to and both tell each other that she's better without him.

    “predatory” It *MAY* be predatory… or it could be two adults who want the same things. Again, without knowing more, it's very hot to say.

  8. Is she married? Are you the sidepiece? In any case, as other people are saying, if she is threatening you and recording conversations over a harmless pic, imagine the levels she will go with any perceived slight. Honestly, leave this woman, she is sketchy, and you deserve, at least, a normal person. Good luck! dump her!

  9. So then if she won’t let you set any boundaries I guess you have none either. Coming from a woman- if she valued you she wouldn’t be posting that. I stopped posting pictures that weren’t even provocative but still showed a “sexy” vibe when I started dating my boyfriend out of pure respect, because yes women know exactly what thirst traps do and no it isn’t for “fun” like some women pretend

  10. And not every country in Western Europe has its legal to escape prison.

    I wasn't talking about escaping prison I was talking about getting punished by getting put in debt you will never in your life get out of.

  11. Everybody knows that threesomes ruin relationships ,now you know first hand. Don't listen to people live most men will focus on the girl they like the most in that moment.

  12. And people break trust as verified by deadbeat dads. Women have to trust that the dude doesn't up and leave or cheated and is raising a kid somewhere else. Why can't a man trust that the kid he's having with the partner he chose is his? If we're just going to validate every illogical idea, have a PI investigate the man in exchange for a paternity test because who cares about trust right?

  13. OP where in New York? I'm broke as a joke but I'll come to your graduation if it's on the east side of the state and we can grab dinner or drinks after.

  14. Man, judging by the amount of downvotes for anyone saying this was “Cute” or “Funny” I think we do.

  15. A partner that cares about you wouldn't be getting mad at you for not having sex with him, it's likely he isn't doing it in a way that you even can enjoy him – it sounds like he only cares about what he is getting out of it.

    You having to be worried about him being so mad at you for not wanting to be physically hurt by him even for sex IS physical and sexual abuse.

    Don't be embarassed for not being compatible with a guy that treats you like his plaything.

  16. “Where am I going? Who will go with me?” You need to answer those questions in the correct order. People that don't get divorces later in life.

  17. ask yourself- Why do you want that information

    He's not going to admit it, there is absolutely no way to prove it, so what's the point here? What is your goal?

  18. It’s been a week and she’s still pissy, how do I solve this?

    You don't. The problem is solving itself right now.

  19. He’s micromanaging you because women his own age would never put up with that crap. I had someone I dated a few months that tried that crap with me. I’ve been friends with some of those guys since I was in kindergarten. I’m not disconnecting with them over some guy I’ve known a very hot minute in comparison.

    If it’s love, there’s respect. And if there’s respect you don’t need to give up your friends or social media for him. That kind of control and insecurity has not place in a relationship.

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