Family divided over my (25F) refusal to apologize to my SIL (27F)… should I just apologize to keep the peace?

*Posting for a friend bc she doesn't use reddit and we're looking for unbiased opinions*
Backstory: I (25F) graduated with my Masters last week. This was a big deal for me because 1) I'm the first person in my family to get a graduate degree (my parents didn't even go to college) and 2) I didn't get a graduation when I finished my bachelors in 2020 because of Covid. My whole family came to town for my ceremony and we planned to go to lunch afterwards. My dad told me to pick the restaurant because it's my day and I chose a sushi place because it's my favourite and I know my whole family likes sushi. Unfortunaly, my brother's (29M) wife (27F) said she didn't feel like sushi and asked to go somewhere else (this is unusual because I know she loves sushi too) but my dad shut her down. She pouted and said she cant eat anything but we went anyways.
At the restaurant we all ordered except my SIL (claimed she wasn't hungry) and then my dad gave a small toast to my accomplishements. When he finished, my SIL said she wanted to give a toast too and said that we all probably noticed she didn't order food and the reason is because she's pregnant. My brother asked if she was serious and she started crying happy tears and said yes. Turns out she found out a month and a half ago but didnt tell anyone, not even my brother, because she wanted to save it as a surprise for the next time the whole family was together again…aka my graduation.
Needless to say, while I'm happy for them, I'm upset she chose to do it on a day that was supposed to be about my achievements. Lunch was akward after that, the rest of my family said congratulations to them but not much else. SIL was upset that no one was celebrating her news and stormed out making my bro chase after her. My parents are also now mad at her for announcing at my lunch celebration and told my brother that she should apologize to me. My brother called me mad that I turned the family against his wife and that I'm selfish because pregnancy trumps graduation. He says I should apologize to his wife so mom and dad will stop being mad at him. The whole situation has spiraled but I don't think I'm wrong for being upset that she ruined my day but I also don't want to be the cause for a rift in my family

submitted by /u/yagirlleens_33
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