My 20m gf 20f sees me as a straight white male because of her trauma

We just got in a fight where she revealed that she is acutely aware that I am a straight white male. Because of this any disagreement we have politically or on a topic of moderate severity she feels I have had too much privilege and am ignorant and thus wrong. Later she explained that she shuts down during these disagreements and is scared of me that I might snap. Never have we ever become physical or abusive in any way, our “fights” are long conversations with long pauses where we talk about what we are both feeling and why. Yet she tells me because of my base characteristics she is scared I have the potential to snap on her and that she sees me like this as a form of self preservation. To her it’s dangerous to believe not all men, meanwhile here I am feeling like my gf feels like I have the potential to abuse her simply because of my skin race and gender, regardless of the two years we’ve spent with each other. To which I am appalled, should I take her reducing me to these base characteristics, all of a sudden it feels like she throws out all of our past experience to make judgements about me based on first glance not our 2 year long relationship. She seems to have a genuine distain for white people but I’m the exception. Do I stay in the relationship with someone who has these feelings towards me? Or do i get out while I can?

submitted by /u/colbyroadtrek
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