My(M29) Wife(F28) of 2 years/partner of 10 years admitted to cheating after testing positive for HPV

I don’t know what to do or think.
After so much struggle through our 20s going through college, building a foundation, going through multiple jobs we despised and finding the one we wanted to pursue, working through the death of her parents and my father, I thought I was the luckiest man ever. She always provided a shoulder, empathy, and grace when I needed it most.

Today she received results from her pap that said she is HPV positive. She sat me down and admitted to cheating on me several times, through the course of 9 months, with someone who was a mutual friend.

She said right after my father’s passing, our relationship had strained and she was lonely because I was gone all the time, dealing with the legalities of it all.

One part of me is so angry and wants to break it off. I was there for her when her parents died and helped her with hospice care. I was there to work 2 jobs to ensure we had a roof over our heads. I was there to get her and us the apartment of our dreams. Another part of me isn’t mad at all/isn’t surprised and just wants to move on and continue to build a life and to make it work.

What the fuck happens now?

Edit: For those who have commented/are curious; there’s no test for HPV for men. It’s something that either show via symptoms or lays dormant until then

submitted by /u/cascades_on_fire
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