My (25f) fiancé (25m) just destroyed my trust. We just got a house together

Last week my fiancé told me that his old friend Kacie reached out to him to see how he was doing. It made me instantly anxious, but I’m definitely an over thinker so I didn’t mention it to him.

Yesterday I was in our room and I overheard him in the kitchen talking to someone on the phone. He saya some basic “catching up” things. It was pretty obvious it was Kacie on the phone. I walk past him and go outside to clean something up, then come back in as he’s saying bye to her.

As I come inside, I’m FULLY expecting him to tell me Kacie just called. Instead he looks at me, smiles, and goes: “that was Bill on the phone. He’s fighting with his wife”.

I just stood there. It was obvious he just lied to my face. For the first time ever, I ask to see his call history, and he shows me. The call was from a random number. So I ask “Why isn’t Bill’s name saved in your phone?” He says it’s Bill’s new number. Okay, I say, then show me your recent texts with Bill. He says the recent texts are from Bill’s old phone. THEN, I say: “Show me the texts between you and Kacie” When I say that, he instantly gets quiet and shuts down. The numbers match. I ask him to show me their text messages and he hesitates but hands the phone over. The whole text thread is her teasing him and asking him to come hang out and he’s avoiding it. They keep texting. He mentions he’s engaged and she thinks it’s funny. I’m freaking out that he lied to me and I cry and he assures me she’s just a close friend and says he doesn’t know why he lied and it was on impulse, and he’s sorry. I was extremely hurt and angry

Today I looked her up on Facebook. She’s not even a friend, she’s his ex. Him and I are about to move into a house together. Is this something that can be worked through or am I better off leaving

submitted by /u/foxstrikesatnight
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