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Fuckdesibabelive sex stripping with hd cam


61 thoughts on “Fuckdesibabelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She had an eating disorder that was bad enough to hospitalize her, and today she refuses to eat most food. If that's not connected….

    Also – nothing in her kitchen…does she cook anything at home? I've known a ton of people who eat this kind of food, but I've never met one who didn't do most of their own food prep/cooking.

  2. I was going to say depression can lead to lack of care of personal hygiene. I know I've been through it several times but always force myself to shower at least 3x a week. It's naked sometimes. But I mean im not sure. I don't really know enough of the dynamic to fully understand. If he can't depressed and just being lazy, then yeah fuck that shit. To many people have said something for it to continue. I mean at least remember to wear deodorant. Like that isn't that very hot. Its literally a pull, twist and 2 swipes under each arm. Like come on now.

  3. You want a peek behind the curtain? She's in a spiral of intrusive thoughts. They pick at her off and on all day and drive her into a rage at every quiet moment that drags too long. Every second it gets a little more urgent until something happens to close the loop.

    If you want to try, do something big, and meaningful. Make it count. You need whatever you say to be louder than that voice in her head by a lot, and boy you better mean it.

  4. She is damaged, untruthful, disloyal, and by the way, married to you. I think your tactic is pretty humane, especially considering your “trust is gone.”

    Assume she has had sex with this guy. And don't have sex with her as either you'll get her pregnant, or this guy will and you'll be led to believe it's yours for the next 18 years.

    She is not going to improve her behavior towards you; she will try to tell you what you want to hear, until it runs counter to her selfishness. Then her true words come forth as in the phone use topic.

    I would meet alone with a good divorce attorney, learn about how the legal process works—you don't have to initiate it, yet–and listen to the attorney's strategies for making this as clean and business-like as possible meaning preserving your assets. Then when your relationship troubles get even deeper than knee-deep, you can have her served and get on with your life.

  5. He isn't a client nor is he seeking your help. Completely inappropriate. Mind your own business in this case. It is okay to be aware that there might be something wrong, but to assume there is and act on the assumption: That puts the ass in assumption.

    You don't know him. Maybe your sister already knows something you don't, being the person dating him. If she has not met his family and is in no hurry to do so, maybe there is a reason. Either way, openly speculating will make them avoid you. its rude.

  6. How does one change what they are attracted to tho?

    And how many times should I change myself before I lose who I am?

  7. I think there is significant pressure for people to enable cosmetic surgery because of this girlbossification of “my body my choice” sentiment, but I think it's something she should sit on and consider thoroughly.

    Is this something she genuinely wants because she thinks it will improve her quality of life, or is she insecure because of outside pressures and beauty standards making her feel ugly and undesirable ?

    I've seen people both love and hate their results years after their surgery. Especially with nose jobs I often see the regretful sentiment of “my nose was passed down to me from my ancestors. It's part of my heritage and is part of the beauty I will pass down to my children if I decide to have any”. Cosmetic surgery is a big decision to make. It's best to wait until you're absolutely certain you've thought all the emotional and physical risks through, and thought about how you might feel about your choice in the future !

    Also, finding a reputable cosmetic surgeon who knows their craft and won't botch it/overdo might take some time if she decides to go through with it. There are some life-ruining hacks out there who put money over people's wellbeing and health.

    Also, /r/bignoseladies might be a good subreddit if she needs a confidence boost ? There are so many gorgeous women out there rocking distinctive and large noses.

  8. u/Throwaway35721q37, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. Being so close to everything makes it naked to see the big picture. I suppose I just need reassurance that I'm not condemning my self to eternal suffering and my daughter to the very hot ship of having a single mother. I'm afraid, and don't even know where to start.

  10. Just take the ring, sell it and buy your own ring to propose from that money.

    Also grow a pair. The world is not fair. Women get a lot fo stuff for “free” that men have to work naked for. Ever seen a yacht with people on it? Normally the man who owns it had to work very very hot for it and the young women just had to look cute…

  11. He may not be evil. Doesn't mean he's good for you. Leave. That's what you can do. He will learn and be better in his next relationship. You will learn and pick someone who sticks to their promises and values you enough to actually show you they love you.

  12. Hello /u/misskelseylane,

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  14. This isn't the correct subreddit for super-fake stories, despite how many super-fake stories get posted here.

  15. So your considering marrying someone who;1. Snoops through your stuff frequently because she doesn’t trust you.2. Shows off her ass to her ex. 3. Refers to ex as just a friend but sends him provocative photos.

    Do those seem like things you want in a marriage? You have caught your insecure girlfriend cheating on you emotionally if not physically. Any age is too old to be putting up with that, let alone 22.

  16. LDR do not count lol you didn’t know her during that time, you only knew what she told you and whatever she allowed you to see during visiting hours lol

  17. That’s very helpful, thank you. It’s true that I need to work more in therapy to be happy with myself. And that I don’t know what my love language is. I suppose since he told me what his was, it would probably be helpful for him to know mine, if I can figure it out. Thank you very much

  18. I want you to become extremely objective about what you’re saying here. You are extremely young. Someone who is 10 years older than you is telling you that you don’t have the right to behave in ways that are very normal for your age. I want you to think objectively. Doesn’t make sense that someone who is not your husband has this idea in their head if they have anything over your life at this point of them barely knowing you?

  19. Tough love – quit it.

    He feels better, looks better, clipping your insecurities. But that's all it is, your insecurities. He chose to be with you.

    My wife gained a little weight after kids, but you know what? That's because she gave me my children. She's even more beautiful as my wife and the mother of my children than she was as the saucy mynx I fell in love with. Nothing has gotten worse…only better.

    Don't let your insecurities drive a wedge in your marriage.

  20. Delay / postpone wedding. If you let him move in, make it conditional that if he strays, he moves out within a week. He is still in love with his ex. He can reconnect with her easily, so protect yourself and your assets.


  21. My father had a vasectomy that was then reversed. I have literally seen the results as opposed to just reading..

  22. If he wants an NDA. Then you get all his assets. He can go and get fucked. Your lawyer needs to get this fools balls in a vice. Don't let him have the upper hand in this.

  23. My ex was manipulative in weird ways like that too. Become a ghost, as far as he's concerned. There's no problem with telling your friends you don't want any news of him, and you don't want him to know any details about you. Respect yourself, be polite about it to your buds and they should understand, but there's nothing wrong with boundaries. Especially while it's such a fresh breakup.

  24. Chances of Google location being wrong: small, but not zero.

    Honestly even this is essentially a 0% chance nowadays these apps are scarily accurate. Like it used to be accurate within now a couple hundred or so feet, now if I move 10 feet to the left in my house so does my location

  25. Oh okay sorry I was trying to ask for advice because my bf would agree with the tiktoks I keep seeing so was confused on whether these things do count as cheating

  26. You are probably looking at the idea of relationships human interaction incorrectly.

    Have you make an effort, in a non-romantic way, try to get to know them, be friends? Do they respond the same way, or do they act differently?

    Also, what have you done to improve yourself in some ways? Are you learning some skills? Are you working out? Indulge us with the details. Doesn't have to be anything popular. You only need to cater to one person, afterall.

  27. She would in fact not be right to do that. Any respectable photo shoot is gonna have you sign consentforms – it's for their protection, not yours

  28. Shut that shit down. If you said he was 18, not great but also whatever…but Weed is relatively harmless (aside from inhaling smoke) if you have a fully formed adult brain, but that doesn't happen until at least the early 20s. You need to have a serious talk with your husband. At the very least, a casual comment from one of your son's friends could result in your husband being charged. Also what I said about brain development. If he loves his son, he needs to be the one to put a stop to it, and to explain these things to him as well.

  29. Oh dear, you believe that someone who forced you to have sex with a third party loves you. What is it going to take for us to be able to get young women like you to understand when you are being abused, manipulated and badly treated and to get it into your heads that somebody's saying they love you is meaningless?? It is how they treat you and respect you that you judge them by. You would be the a****** if you spend five more seconds with this person and don't block them across every outlet on social media you have and tell all of your friends to stay clear of them. His behaviour is abusive, deranged, disrespectful manipulative cruel sadistic nobody here loves anybody. Once you break up with the guy which should be within the next hour, do not get into another relationship until you spend some weeks on Reddit reading about what goes wrong in relationships, learning about the kind of techniques that people use to manipulate and how you can avoid them, and perhaps take some self-respect/ assertiveness classes. Of course you can ignore this advice. But I am telling you if you do, you will have a miserable, unhappy, dangerous life.

  30. Why are you putting up with her?

    She has a nice long history of making poor decisions, relying on you, using you and you'll be going back for more apparently.

    You're a grown man, she's played a role in you hating your lastname.

    Just do something for you, screw what she has to say.

  31. When you take the new interests, something women do when trying to spend more time with a guy.

    The lying about the relationship.

    And the crying when confronted (a common manipulative tactic to trigger your protection response as opposed to keep interrogating her).

    It all adds up to a bad place.

    What seems particularly troubling is she seems to be the one driving this relationship.

  32. I do individual counseling and I always suggest couples counseling again, but it was a shit show in our first session. He blew up during the session. ?

  33. Don’t rope get into a business to meet a goal she is against. Get a part time job and save up for your scooter.

  34. As a long time league player? Break up. Tell him to go touch grass.

    Haha no but seriously. He told you you’re not important, take this as an experience in learning what you do and don’t deserve in a relationship. You deserve a partner that values you, certainly over a video game. He is not the one.

  35. Do you ever get tired of questioning whether something is a story? Because I sure get tired of reading comments like this. If you think there is a systemic issue with fake posts on this sub, why not try to do something like identify them and report them? Seems like it's either that or assume good faith.

  36. I'm sure you'd be TOTALLY okay with it if you found out your partner of 5 years used to sleep with most of your friends.

  37. I have gone over it with her, but nothing has changed. In the 12 years they've been married genuinely nothing has changed.

    Before he'd be up my ass about sports and working out, but now it my boyfriend since i've been better at what he used to be so anal about.

    Side note though to add to the control, he has me make a list ranking one to ten on how I did in four categories. Meals, working out, phone time, and dorm time.

    Meals is eating all 3 meals in a day, which is a 10 rating

    Working out is if I had worked out, and had a really good workout, which is a ten rating

    phone time is how little time I spent on my phone, and I'm also not allowed to go on my phone from 8am to 5pm which are when my college classes and practice times run through

    and dorm time is how much time i spent in my dorm. that ones self explanatory

    I have to send him a picture every friday of this list or I owe him 20$

  38. Have the two of you discussed housework and money? The brother needs to contribute financially to the household. There needs to be a contract in place stating so. How about laundry, cooking, and dishes? How much can the brother do, and if he can't then who's going to do all of the extra work?

  39. Thank you for such a thorough and well-crafted response. You pointed out culture differences and I confess I immediately assigned the OP and his GF as Americans. I married into a family very similar to GF’s family and projected my own biases onto the situation.

    Regardless, I appreciate you taking the time to expand on your thoughts.

  40. Therapy. You are the victim of abuse, and you may well need professional help to sort it all out and work through the healing process. That kind of trauma can leave lasting emotional and mental scars. Professional therapists are very good at helping you find healing, and they can teach you coping skills to help with all the emotional stress.

    Have you talked with your GF about the past abuse? Does she even try to understand how badly you were hurt? It can take a lot of patience and understanding to help someone heal. Getting annoyed is the opposite of that.

  41. Thank you for such a thorough and well-crafted response. You pointed out culture differences and I confess I immediately assigned the OP and his GF as Americans. I married into a family very similar to GF’s family and projected my own biases onto the situation.

    Regardless, I appreciate you taking the time to expand on your thoughts.

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