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Sxamleuy live! sex cams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “Sxamleuy live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. The relationship has been good, he’s a good guy that is caring and gives whatever he’s interested 110%. However, he’s never given me or the relationship that 110%. So I see where the “you’re amazing” comes from cause yeah he is. But when it comes from my side of the story all I see is someone who forgets to tell me he loves me for weeks and hates messaging often.

  2. Your husband’s best friend is loyal to your husband, not to you. If there was cheating going on, and he knew about it and was going to tell you, he would’ve already told you. You asking won’t change a thing. What will happen, whether your husband is cheating or not, is that your friend will say he’s not cheating and then go tell your husband that you asked.

  3. Technically speaking, there are a good deal more men with a genius level IQ than women. Unfortunately, a lot of men like to stop reading there. There are also far more men of a low enough IQ to be considered developmentally disabled than women. Women on the whole are much closer to average ranges, with fewer showing up on either extreme. But that average remains consistent between men and women.

  4. Id give him the ultimatum of put up with my cats cause they're a package deal, not his responsibility, don't live! with him, and have literally nothing to do with him, or find love elsewhere. Knowing he won't choose me. Wouldn't want a bf like that anyways.

    But the fact I don’t want to get rid of them makes him say that I love the cats more than him.

    You god damn right i love my cats more than you. They aren't bitching about you being around and you're becoming jealous of fucking cats

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