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Challengeme1live sex stripping with hd cam


31 thoughts on “Challengeme1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Start having some self-respect! By posting this question it seems like you don't have it yet. Grow some cojones.

  2. ORRR, third option you forgot ? He is insecure with himself and won’t allow his partner to have close friends other than himself based on something small enough as gender, he refuses to work on himself, and I gtfo of there

  3. It just breaks me because I have hope maybe they will realise they miss me or etc. so it’s so difficult not knowing the reason for them reaching out. Do you think they will contact me again? Should I reply if they do?

  4. I would not insist he will be completely supportive, because depending on their state/country, this may be seen as possible taking responsibility for the child. She may try to use this against him in the future, possibly in court. Plus, if he claims to be completely supportive, that may give her the wrong idea, that he is on board with this pregnancy. & it doesn’t sound like he is.

  5. I want to be desired and it be made known that I am emotionally, sexually, and intellectually wanted. Period. I like to be chased while playing laser tag, or some other game, love / relationships is not a game to me. Don’t chase me, show me you want me with effort and consistency.

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  7. I am already in therapy, luckily it's free through my college. Thanks for the resource, I'll look into it 🙂

  8. Info please: what do you mean by “it’s met with child support”? As in she says you’ll need to pay it or something else. TY.

  9. Get another paternity tests done.

    Also get a maternity tests done.

    Get these done at a hospital or doctors, not through the mail.

    When these tests come back then you can proceed.

    If you are the mother and he is the father, then therapy to see if you can work through it all. If you are not the mother and he isn’t the father, then you need to find out what happened to your child, and whose child you have. If you are the mother and he isn’t the father, then you have to own up to your cheating, and realise that you are likely going to be divorced and thrown away.

  10. op, of course hes a social dud.

    no well-adjusted and good-person 27 year old is chasing a 16/17 year old.

    leave him yesterday and live! your real wonderful life. You are still so young – dont waste more time on this youth-theif.

    You will find so many beautiful humans who want to date you and marry you and sleep with you and have babies with you. And they wont lock them selves in rooms watching teenage porn.

  11. You mindset is one of how you can hold back your husband to make sure he doesn’t get away. This mindset is fubar. You need to be working with him (he’s asked) to be on his level so you can share the active life he enjoys, with him! He hasn’t done anything to concern you.

    Are you suffering from any depressive tendencies? At minimum, you are having serious issues with self worth and esteem. A professional could help.

  12. You all work at the same company,and they work night shifts, what if that changes? Are you prepare to possibly have to deal with both of them at work. You will have no choice but to deal with your STBX because of the baby. And I know it’s not a possibility now with the baby. But after they are born maybe look for a new job. And if your still angry and want to be petty on your way out the door sent everyone copies of their conversations

  13. You really aren't giving your gf much credit here, you're assuming that looks are everything to her, let me tell you something, when a person gets out of an abusive relationship and they meet someone who treats them like they really matter then that's all that counts in the way of feelings..Give her more credit for loving you for YOU, ditch your “friends” and fuck your brother, not literally of course. 🙂

  14. Well he knows I’m bisexual and it’s not really something I feel like exploring anymore because I really do love him. I just also get nervous that I may have said something flirtatious before I fully broke it off with him because I don’t remember the conversation. And at the time, I didn’t think we were going to get back together. We had completely split for 3 months until we got back together. I’m not really sure why I’m so nervous about it now but the thought of it makes me want go over it over and over again. I feel like I’m hiding this from him

  15. You need to realize this is cultural and religious differences. What do you think is going to happen? You’re going to marry and stay in your country or are you moving to his? You both need to be realistic about this. One of you would have to give up your culture and family. Love does not conquer all in the real world.

  16. Tbf, you'd rather think it was that and even prefer it than SA. I'd much rather any partner I have turn out to be sexually reserved because they're gay rather than because they've been SA'd

  17. Is this his son or is he a stepdad because the fact he doesn’t mind losing access to your son is concerning. How old is the son?

  18. WHATEVER the frigg she wants/ needs to put on.

    How is this even worth commenting?

    The point was to -if at all possible- go to her grad first. Grad prio. Totally.

    And IF special dress be needed she could chose one she doesn't need to change from to attend the wedding.

  19. This makes me think of a movie called “When Harry Met Sally”. Sally bursts out crying unconsolably because her ex is getting married. He‘d always told her he didn‘t want to get married at all so when she found out that he was marrying someone else, she felt rejected. Even if you don‘t want your ex back, it still might feel like rejection and pain when you see them committing to someone else.

  20. I think you need to do what your heart tells you, and what your dad tells you. Granted she may feel super emotional because of the hormones. But I’d do my best to reassure her that you will be there for her. Who knows, she may be in the same boat and is also just “doing it for the kid”. That’s the worst reason to stay together. Your relationship will not be a healthy one to model to your child. Good luck dude. Please do it sooner than later

  21. Yes I tried but her response any time I bring up any dissatisfaction with our relationship is “so leave me” and she refuses to engage in any constructive conversation about it or any compromise.

  22. You contact the police. Hes a predator and has been grooming you and using his teaching position to do so

  23. Time for “post-cheating” my dude. The FWB sounds like a decent person overall; no chemistry outside of sex?

  24. I have, she dodges the question and only gives me, ” who says I don't like her. When did I say I didn't like her?” and then when I tell her she's being rude, that again turns into, ” I was kidding” ” I wasn't being rude”

  25. It’s because he follows like random girls from our town who know he’s dating me and it’s like kind of disrespectful in a little bit embarrassing that he has the need to do that because they don’t even follow him back either it’s just looking weird on his part

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