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AliiceeBrown live webcams for YOU!


HAPPY HALLOWEEN, ♥are you ready to discover new adventures with me/LUSH ON/new actions in my roulette [Multi Goal]

Date: October 7, 2022

30 thoughts on “AliiceeBrown live webcams for YOU!

  1. The problems didn’t start when she started taking SSRIs, they started when she stopped taking them.

    Normally the good thing for a partner to do would be to help their SO seek medical treatment but here OP is probably hurting her by dismissing whatever her doctors say as “gaslighting” because they self diagnosed her based on something they read on the internet.

  2. So like, your main issue is that shes not giving much attention to you when she could do more? Sorry, im trying to understand better the situation.

  3. Well on the equity side no. Im not making her pay any part of the mortgage. But the more people that live in the house the more water, electricty, and groceries are consumed.

  4. It’s OK! You have to make mistakes to learn, and this is only your first relationship, right? The stuff is confusing, it’s not easy. Don’t be nude on yourself.

    You are doing great. Every day is an opportunity to be better than the day before!

  5. If she was as into you as she should be she wouldn't jeapordize a futuee relationship with you by cutting you loose now.

    I think your best bet is to move on. Something turned her off or she realized it wasnt a good fit after all.

  6. I don't get what you want. She cheated on you, left you for him, then only came back because it wasn't gonna work out. Now you want to help her get over him? But you don't want to divorce? Umm I guess you can help her find a few good dating apps. Help her find the right guy. Good luck with that!

  7. Hey OP. I think, keep seeing this girl and don't worry about this yet, if ever.

    None of us here, myself included, support incest. But it's an ages-old taboo, and it sounds like you may not actually know yet how she feels or responds to it. Most likely, it's a fantasy, one which she would never actually do.

    Look at the upsides of this girl:

    She likes you.

    She is sex-positive.

    She is comfortable around you.

    She is open to discussing sexy stuff with you.

    My view is, keep getting to know her. Though, let it be her to bring up porn again (otherwise she may feel scutinised). Or, if you bring it up, get her talking about it, maybe other genres she likes, then contribute your own views.

    She hopefully follows the maxim, “Don't yuk my yum,” so you can be a champ and give her the same grace.

    Lucky you, mister! Have fun with this girl, every girl improves our lived experience in some way (if even just as a lesson learned); maybe things can go somewhere wonderful with this person!

  8. I feel like throwing away my relationship is throwing away the life that I have

    It is. But by NOT leaving that relationship, you are throwing away the future that you might have. The longer you stay, the more miserable it will get

  9. Also: pregnancy is NOT a rom com sunshine and flowers scenario. The woman is not frolicking through life 7 months pregnant in cute little negligees offering up a delighted smile when someone remarks on her bump. Pregnancy, for many women, is months of aches and pains, swollen ankles the size of their calves, vomiting at smells they never used to, waking 10 times a night to pee….not to mention ACTUAL CHILDBIRTH in which some women physically tear open from their clitorus all the way through their anus. And that's all BEFORE the sleepless nights of a screaming baby, endless diaper changes, and the pains of breastfeeding/milk producing. Please read up on actual pregnancy expectations before pressuring your wife further. Life is not a romcom.

  10. She’s an adult. She made a choice. It’s not your fault. Cut bait and get out. Cheating is like finding a cockroach in your apartment. For every one you see, there’s dozens you don’t.

  11. I’ve maybe not explained that correctly. He had mentioned he felt he may need space to work through things but didn’t want to affect our family routine. I meant asking him to take that time for himself not as in leave for good.

  12. Yes. I was the “third” and joined a couple friend of mine. We discussed before hand what we were/weren’t comfortable with, and afterwards I thought it was fine. My friend (wife) let me know the next week after completely ghosting me that seeing me w her husband made her “feel ill” and that they weren’t speaking either, and that she needed a break from our friendship. Lol we honestly haven’t spoken since and she deleted me on fb. I know they’re still married but from what I’ve heard from mutual friends it caused a MAJOR rift. I felt awful. I know at least 2 other couples who have had similar, very negative experiences with 3somes as well. I will neverrrrr partake again ?

  13. I look at this differently. What if you improved but then had a child that was not able to travel due to health issues? Would he nope out of being a parent then too? Because there are a lot of factors with kids that could make travel difficult. Otherwise, it is not your fault your situation changed. I LOVE travelling. I have lived in over a dozen different places, and love visiting new places. But my husband isn't into it, and his job is specific to the city we are in. So I haven't moved in over 13 years, but I still go on trips on my own or with friends. He has gone on one or two, but it just isn't his thing. It is the best of both worlds for us. It sounds like you are doing the work to improve things, but he isn't willing to work through this on his side too. Every person in a relationship changes, often quite significantly. Circumstances can change overnight. It is being willing to work TOGETHER that makes a solid relationship.

  14. You’re pretty much right on here, but we on-line in the empowerment era, anything anyone says or does to try to give a little reality to us, is hated by the hive mind of the internet.

    I don’t feel safe at night, because I know I’m not safe at night. It will never be any other way because no matter how very hot we try bad people will exist.

  15. there is also “sliding scale therapy” which means it's based on income. my first therapist was $10/session and it was a great start into healing.

    OP can google sliding scale therapy with their location and find therapists who offer that. often they are still in grad school and trying to get their therapy hours, working under a supervisor, but it's a great way to get started. it helped me so much. i'll tell anyone who listens 🙂

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