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Ace_of_devillive sex stripping with hd cam


54 thoughts on “Ace_of_devillive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your gf got taken advantage of by her friend

    It’s not weird to go to a room at a party with a friend

    (For Example me n the boiz will do this to get a break from the noise or even my girl best friend )

    The difference is what he did in that room to her

    Getting a kit can be very scary

    Just be supportive

  2. Yeah sorry, love. Some people place culture above self-expression and this guy folded like a lawn chair for his.

    He wasted your time and didn't even tell you he was wasting your time, mostly because he probably knew he wouldn't have dated him.

    Any time he got from you, he stole. He knew this expectation since he was a child because everyone was raised in arranged marriage cultures, it's in their future.

    He only dropped the bomb now cuz his fun is over with.

    Honestly I'd be pissed, not sad. He mislead you.

    Maybe he didn't say he was looking to marry you, but he knew 95% of women would reject him out of hand for a relationship if he was just going to marry a random girl his family picked for him in a few years.

    You deaetve better than being toyed with.

  3. You made it her business by talking about it in front of her, wheater you meant to or not. It is pretty normal for friends to care about each other and maybe her friend saw your conversation as a red flag and is worried about her friend.

    Easy solution is have private conversations in private. Also, have serious conversations when you have each others full attention, not when one of you is preoccupied. That is a really easy way to miscommunicate

  4. Plot twist: he’s thought about her so much he’s shutting her down wondering ‘after not seeing each other in so long… I wonder if something’s up’. Eh really it’s possible

  5. If you just want to be friends, be friends. Who said you couldn't be friends? He suggested a hook up before he leaves, you then suggested fwb or a casual hook up… same thing.

    Maybe he's happy for a one time sex thing before leaving but not looking to make new friendships in a place he's leaving and may never return to.

  6. I just wish he communicated with me instead of blocking. We had sex a week ago. Im not even sure it’s a girlfriend because why block me??? Why not just ignore me like before??

  7. Should I just outright tell him that I'm toning down the relationship, or should I act reserved, maybe even curt, until he gets the hint that something is different, and then tell him?

    Nope, neither of these things. Scale back the friendship to the bits you enjoy (chats, workplace joking around,etc) and just cut out the bits you don't – the gifts, the offers to hang out outside of work, the requests to meet his family. My guess is that this way, you can both have a friendship at the level that makes you happy.

    But definitely don't act all huffy and weird until he's forced to say “why are you being so weird, is everything ok?” as an excuse to splurge a load of butthurt all over him.

  8. Hello /u/ThrowRAaIta99,

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  9. I’m not sure if it will help at all but you could offer to pay her the other half of the deposit. It should be written in the lease

  10. The more of your comments I read, the worse it gets. Sounds like your boyfriend is trying to mold you into his ideal girl. It’s up to you if you’re willing to put up with that.

  11. Agree. I would have more positive feelings if we was open for discussion, but he tends to disregard emotion. He says that I can rely on him and be open with how I feel, but I see he shuts me down or gets angry when I say how I feel.

  12. You said yourself you don’t think he’ll change. As painful as it would be, you have to do what’s best for you- even if it’s the hardest thing. It sounds like it’s best if you leave. For your mental health. It is clearly draining for you.

  13. Bro, her controlling is WAY over the line.

    Like you have to send your class list for her approval?

    Do not sacrifice your future for this girl. Act as you se fit but IMO it would be better to be alone and focus on school than to stay with her.

  14. Girl thought you could have been a thief and actually sent the *police* to your dorm room? Really? And you still want to get with her?

  15. She doesn’t have to prove anything to you. She apologized. You can accept it or not, but you don’t get to dictate her life.

  16. If you read through any previous comments you would see that I understand the cause and have taken responsibility for that part.

  17. Right. I get that she’s the one with the problem. But honestly if she can’t talk to him and realize she’s being an ass, I don’t see continuing with the relationship.

  18. Your husband sounds like a dick and both of you should get tested for sleep apnea and get cpap machines.

  19. Yes. He changed clothes after and only smokes outside and never hugs me or kisses me when he has any sort of smoke smell or residue on his person. We’ve discussed this in depth. The only problem is his timing of smoking has become frequent and he will smoke at times that would interrupt conversations that we’re having. Our goal is to stop or get down to four cigarettes a day which we used to be at for a good week and now he’s back to half a pack to a pack.

  20. i mean i kind of do the same lol i still have some kind of feelings for an ex of mine although i would never try to date both or even ask him that

  21. This happened to a friend of mine. She stayed. Never got married and never had kids. He left her when she was 45. Within 2 years he was married with a pregnant wife. Choose wisely.

  22. Because it’s demoralizing when you can’t arouse your partner and she’s venting. JFC have some compassion

  23. I am currently studying something else and have no time before applications are due to visit both sadly

    I wont be needing my parents financial support as school is free and theres a loan for students that pretty much everyone in sweden takes in addition to a monthly financial aid, this will cover any costs for a place to online.

  24. If you told her this while you were bawling your eyes out, and she still went out, you have no relationship left.

    To ignore your partners distress is cruel and twisted. This woman is lacking in empathy and human kindness.

  25. I don’t understand why this is downvoted? It’s questions she needs to ask herself to understand how to move forward. I don’t read any judgement.

    I hope OP responds.

  26. From where I online, its summer all year round. The schooling term has also just started, so its long, long way until any sort of holiday

  27. It seems like you’re just cool and the zoomers wanted to hang out with you lol, there’s 100% creepy older dudes who deliberately hang out with younger people but it just seems like you’re out having fun after a rough patch!

  28. There has to be more to it than this. This is not enough to get mad about. Does she usually overreact like this?

  29. You think you’re losing a good one? Where?

    You didn’t mention a good one in your story. Just a violent guy who lies to get what he wants, and continues to lie to get what he wants.

    You know you can do better right?

  30. My husband and I are similar. I struggled financially as a student because my parents do not work for 30+ years. I already had to part time jobs but it was just never enough. He still lived with his well earning parents at the time and helped me out when rent money was due. And I always felt bad. I promised myself to give it back to him. Now, couple years later and we online together (and are married), I had my student dept to pay (luckily, where I am from, it's only 7.900€ max). I managed to safe 5.000€ but it wasn't enough till the deadline. So he gave me the rest. I will always be massively thankful to him but I will also be a bit worried about it. He always reassures me that he doesn't mind. That we are a team and always work together but I plan to safe some more money and spend it on our next big thing (we are in the process of finding a new apartment or maybe a vacation). Just to treat him as well 🙂

  31. I mean she could've moved from Glasgow to London, or anywhere. I didn't get any hints from that post at all that she came from a middle Eastern country. That's seems really speculative. I know tons of people that have moved to new cities for their partners because of jobs and all sorts. I feel like mentioning she moved countries wouldn't be missed out, and how they met countries apart would also have been mentioned. Not getting that vibe at all.

  32. you’re assuming something might happen just because they’re both bi, fuck off dude, female friends share beds together all the time.

  33. There’s no salvaging this, mate. She was physically violent towards you and she flat out disrespected a close family member. No wonder your family don’t want her anywhere near their home.

    Break up with her, block her and start making amends with your family ASAP. They’re with you for life, this psycho on the other hand is only there for the short-term. You can do better.

  34. What happened that your family no longer likes him?

    And if he has serious trust issues, he needs to work on them and not transfer that past trauma onto you because that's not fair to pay for something someone else did

  35. Sorry I don’t understand how you can just dismiss it as, I don’t want to ruin her birthday I’ll talk to her later. Do you enjoy the lack of respect? Tell her that she obviously doesn’t see your relationship the same way you do. You’ll be moving out, and have to think about whether to stay in he relationship with her.

  36. The Kiss was gonna happen sooner or later tho because we've been super close friends for a while

  37. I see you replying a lot about the rest of the relationship being “good”/“perfect” but your post also mentioned that he is naked work. So even when he isn’t treating you badly, it seems that you are likely putting way more effort into the relationship than he is. This is not healthy.

    He is breaking you down so you can’t leave. He is causing you to make yourself smaller so he has less to be angry about. He doesn’t want you to succeed. He doesn’t want you to have friends. He wants you isolated. In those in between times.

    So even when he isn’t yelling, he is still abusing you. You need to leave. Someone posted some UK resources for people who need help leaving an abusive situation. Please access those and start to build a healthy life for yourself. Get therapy. Find friends. Get in touch with healthy family members you miss. Build a support network and build a life. Then when you are in a good, healthy, strong place, then you you can think about how to find a healthy partner to do life with.

    Please heal yourself first.

  38. I find, people always yearning after past times are a really sorry sight. As they never appreciate what they have. Until it is gone and destroyed.

  39. Yes it’s mostly about saving money I think. I will probably bring this up to him, I was just wondering if I’m being controlling since he has never given me any reason to doubt his intentions with his friends.

  40. If you feel scared or uncertain, it's perfectly fine to wait longer for sex. If he cares about you, he'll be fine waiting until you feel more comfortable and truly ready.

    I remember my freshman year of college almost losing my virginity in what likely would have been a one night stand with a friend. When I asked myself why I wanted to have sex with him, my answer was, “Why not?” I decided that wasn't a good enough reason to have sex for the first time. A few weeks later I started dating my first boyfriend. It was a similar situation in that we had been flirting for a while before finally getting together. When I asked myself the same question, my answer was because I wanted to be intimate with him. I was ready to pounce on him. I also was physically calm and not shaking, although he was a little nervous since it was his first time too.

    One last story about doing something before I was really ready. When I started dating my next boyfriend, a few weeks in I felt like I was in love with him, but I was going to wait until he said it first. I thought it would be at least a few more weeks to even a few months. Nope, it was the following weekend. So I said I love you back, because hadn't I already been feeling that way? Nope. I felt like I was floating out of my body when I said it (de-personalization). Even though I thought I was ready and kinda wanted to, I truly wasn't. That relationship was a whole dumpster fire for a variety of reasons. When I told my previous boyfriend I loved him, it was because I felt I would explode if I didn't say it (and his response was “Of course I love you” – great guy, but we wanted different things in life so we split).

    You don't have to do anything until feel absolutely completely comfortable. Additionally, there's lots of ways to be physically intimate without PiV sex. You can work your way up until you feel absolutely ready. Your BF sounds like a great guy and absolutely willing to wait for you until you're absolutely certain you're ready. He stopped previously when you were shaking. He'll likely do the same if you attempt to go further than you already have if you're stiff and obviously nervous and uncomfortable.

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