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Celene online sex cams for YOU!


31 thoughts on “Celene online sex cams for YOU!

  1. FIL is an idiot if he thinks a dog learns a lesson not to eat something because it gets sick. Even a child doesn’t learn that. You can call animal control and show the vet bill and keep the dog but he is just going to get another dog to abuse. If he needs his son’s help with the house he might change his mind or he just might want you to move and not his son. He wasn’t in his son’s life for a reason and if he really wants to have a relationship with him, he needs to learn to control his temper. But when it comes down to it, this is between your husband and his father and you can’t interfere. Yes, protect the dog, but let your husband deal with his father. He will, of course, need to take your side, so discuss your future and then decide.

  2. Yes it is and it's very irresponsible to the possible child but also your current daughter. You're talking about marriage and kids after 1 month, stop and think logically for a second and not with your “Heart”.

  3. Your only looking at advice you want to keep going forward on your agenda. you want your cake and eat it too as the saying goes.

    A relationship will not work without communication and trust.

  4. Yeah she is my best friend, she’s just no longer attractive to me anymore. I feel bad for feeling this way but I can’t help it. I will try but I’ve already tried several times so I’m not expecting different results. Breaking it off and encouraging her to stay as roommates will most likely be the route I’d go for after the holidays. Thanks for you advice.

  5. My wife said the same thing. She knew men were stronger but she didn't realize how big the difference was until we were play wrestling.

  6. “Massive effort.” Is that not presumptuous? Years of not fulfilling any act of service has an effect too along with consequences. Good luck to you. Also, I don’t agree that I am in the minority nor do you have the right to speak for men at large but okay, I will take the relationship mogul’s word for it.

  7. It’s petty and immature. Punishing someone is stupid and you should just sit down and talk about your problems

  8. Well, now we know why a 36 year old is dating a 22yo. He's hoping you'll be easy to manipulate. DO NOY BUY THIS MAN A GUN! As easy as they are to get in US it's a big red flag to me that he not only can't get his own but wants to bypass the system by having yu get it.

  9. You did nothing wrong by setting a boundary, especially since you're a new mom dealing with a lot of stress. It's totally understandable that you would need some space and not want to be on the phone for hours a day. But your mom took it personally, and now she's got some hurt feelings that she's not really processing.

    Here's what you can do. First, you need to keep communicating with her honestly and openly about your feelings and needs. You've already done that, which is good, but you might need to do it again. Second, don't let her guilt-trip you. If she starts talking about “putting her on restriction” again, remind her that you were just taking care of yourself during a difficult time and you weren't trying to hurt her.

    You should also try to understand where she's coming from. Maybe she feels like she's losing her connection with you now that you have a new family of your own. Maybe she's feeling lonely or left out. Maybe she's feeling guilty that she wasn't there to help you during the first few months with your new babies. So try to empathize with her and find a way to include her in your life that works for both of you. You can also show her how much you love her by planning visits or inviting her over to your place. But most importantly, try to create a real open and effective communication channel that lets you both know what the other person needs and when.

    Also, you're a new mom, it's normal to have ups and downs, don't apologize for that. Just try to communicate how you're feeling with her. And just be yourself, if she has a problem with that, that's her problem not yours.

  10. I’m not sure about the angling and such, but a lot of my friends have dnd on all the time. Throughout the day and weekends, not just when they’re home at night. I know this because whenever I text them it pops up.

  11. I agree about ultimatums and control.

    This is why it's critical that the demand that she permanently go no contact with the affair partner comes from the counsel. To insulate you from blame. It can't be your idea, and you just have to agree with the counselor to make it happen.

  12. Trust me. The vows don't mean anything 5 years later when you're “not happy” and divorcing him. Your boyfriend is right. Marriage is dead today.

    Go spend an hour on r/Divorce. All of those people “took the vows, loved indefinitely, wanted security, etc.”

    The divorce rate is around 50% and it's messy when it happens.

  13. Dude my wife works for the government has security clearances and despite being civilian has to be concerned with what she's up to staying within the company. I don't ask shit. Ever. I listen when she talks but because I'm not a controlling disrespectful sack of crap I would never put her in this position.

    Something is beyond screwed up with his thinking and there is no way for YOU to fix anything because you're not wrong.

    My wife and I don't have secrets. What she does not tell me is not hers to share. It's not a secret se keeps because I know there is shit she can't tell me and why. I can't imagine getting angry about her not telling me things that are literally nothing to do with either of us. That's insane.

  14. My ex that I was with for years just ghosted me. He ignored me on Christmas and then dropped off the planet. He's still alive

    He's 48

  15. It'll definitely require a level headed, non emotional and collaborative conversation between you two about cleaning duties and how important they are, but assuming:

    That “our cleaning rules” are something you've both discussed and agreed on.

    That your and his idea of keeping things tidy/clean and how a living space should look and feel is close to the same.

    Try a cleaning calendar! Cleaning chores need to be done more than once a week, so you could make a rotating schedule of what needs to be done. Put who's responsible for it on each day and just mark it off when you or him get it done that day. Once y'all get in a groove, it should become automatic for him.

    You could also figure out which cleaning chores each of you don't mind doing and which ones you hate doing, and split them up between you (example: you hate dishes so he does those, but he hates vacuuming so you do that). That may entice him to do more.

    A more drastic approach if he's a little (no offense) dense when it comes to truly recognizing how often things need to be done, you could always do your equal half and allow things to get into disarray. When he wonders what's going on (such as he realizes, suddenly one day, that he has no clean underwear), that can open up the conversation as to how important it is to keep up on those chores and why his and your contribution is equally crucial.

    Either way he has growing up to do because so far he's had others that would do these every day chores. It could be a simple innocence/ignorance to not recognizing how much work upkeep really is and you might be just the person to FINALLY teach him.

    Good luck!

  16. OP, you're being manipulated.

    If he loves you, has strong feelings for you, he thinks about being with you literally all day, you're this one of a kind super extra amazing being to him that he just doesn't know how to be with…..why would he be looking at a picture of another woman when he was in bed with you?

    Why would the picture of that other woman specifically be from the last time he was WITH that woman?

    Meaning the picture had very specific undertones to it that he was looking at for a very specific reason WHILE in bed with you.

    If he thinks about having sex with you “all day”, why would he waste the opportunity once it was literally in front of him to do the thing he was allegedly obsessing over all day?

    He doesn't have genuine feelings for you. His feelings are troubled that you kicked him out after catching him being a sleezeball. He doesn't want to lose the opportunity to have sex with someone so he's backpeddling and trying to tell you what he thinks you need to hear to forgive him and continue having sex with him.

    Whipping out a picture of someone else during the act when it has not been explicitly agreed on as a mutual kink or an established part of your encounter is disrespectful as fuck. And honestly it's gross. It's not like he asked to put porn on to get you both in the mood. He whipped out a picture of his OTHER FWB, mid act, and tried to hide it from you. Once he knew he had been busted, he spun this manipulative and shitty story about how he's a victim to his own feelings and it's for the best that he forgets about you now! Lest his little wounded heart finally, pathetically give out from the conflict as the curtain falls slowly and sadly and the crowd boos him for his shitty performance.

    It's up to you to decide if this is the type of person you want to keep casually seeing. But as an outsider looking in I've observed that he:

    Does not have respect for his sexual partners. Evidence: he wasn't even looking at you during his time with you. He's whipping out pics of his other partner without her consent, around people (you) who did not want to see it. He respects you so little he will lie repeatedly to your face instead of owning up to something (denying the picture when asked).

    Lies instead of taking personal accountability. Evidence: Repeatedly denied something you SAW with your own functional eyes. Lied about this whole my feelings make me act out like a poorly trained animal thing. And I'm counting his apology as a lie because we all know this man is not sorry for the shitty behavior he displayed. He's sorry he got caught and is facing consequences.

    Is willing to manipulate you (and likely others) to get his way. Evidence: trying to rope you into believing he's some sort of victim of love so you'll keep having sex with him. Instead of just apologizing for being a crude asshole, he invented this whole story about his complicated feelings making him be this way, and you're no good for him because of it, but he just caaareesss so muuuuchhhh.

    There are millions of other guys in the universe. You could easily get a new FWB that won't pull this type of petty, disrespectful shit. If it were me personally, I'd leave his ass on read and block him. He didn't respect you, he isn't owed respect or validation back.

    You don't have to make that same choice. You do what's best for you, whatever that may be. But please don't fall for shitty half assed efforts from fuckboys that lack basic manners. You're worth more than that. Casual hookups still need to be kind and respectful. There doesn't have to be feelings invovled but you are a human being and you deserve to be treated like one. Kyle Jr over there can go on Amazon and buy himself a fleshlight if he's just looking for something to slap a picture over.

  17. Immature and selfish, is how someone can be so negligent.

    Continue to tell her dogs need more care than that. Also, you might report her to animal control or the humane society.

  18. Of course! If she’s shy try not to put too much pressure on her, but shy women do often wait for the guy to move first. Good luck! ??

  19. PLEASE don’t stay with this man.

    My wife’s ex-husband had horrific childhood trauma, so he stayed because she wanted to make him better and love him despite his issues… and all she got was abused. Then she had to share her son with him after the divorce.

    Someone else’s childhood trauma isn’t your problem. Don’t accept abuse.

  20. Honestly reddit makes me glad i met my husband as a teenager because Lord knows. The shit people post and what partners expect as normal and even what the posters perceive as normal in these relationships are INSANE!

    I'd Honestly laugh in a dude's face if he said this nonsense to me because it has to be a joke.

  21. I feel like if you have an addiction it means you need a therapist who is good for addiction, I can't imagine a good therapist separating adictions. Also something like SAA is a good thing for people like this. It's all about taking control of your life.

  22. You need to bring up in therapy that you cannot trust her if she isn’t being trust worthy. There is no need she should be buying sec toys, lingerie, plan b, and not sleeping at home while you are on a trip. If your therapist can’t see that then they’re maybe not the right therapist for you.

    I’m so sorry but I don’t think your wife deserves your blanket trust. I think she needs to step up and prove she is worthy of it.

  23. If it didn't occur to you that she is depressed, you need to wake up now and realize it. The fact that you don't even mention that you have done things to be there for your partner in time of need in addressing that depression, makes it look like is that you neglected her in a time of need in favor of being critical.

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