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Roochelle live sex chats for YOU!


hello guys I’m new in this I would like to learn experiences come and play [Goal Race]

Date: October 9, 2022

28 thoughts on “Roochelle live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I truly hope things improve. Getting help for my anxiety issues is one of the best things I did for myself and my relationships.

  2. Your creating a perfect scenario and ignoring the fact that like I said it varies relationship to relationship

    Time is defintely a consideration but so is time and stress on the job

  3. It can be rebuilt but it’s very very hot. Very. What is he doing to repair trust? Keep you safe? It’s very nude to regain the intimacy needed for love if you don’t see actions from him that show he understands the damage he’s fine and is committed to healing.

    For much more advice go to r/AsOneAfterInfidelity. It’s a reconciliation sub where you can talk to others going through what you are experiencing.

  4. Hello /u/nashville_xoxo,

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  5. Like I said, I hope OP gets the test and uses it to get some killer child support. And we all know the husband has no proof of her cheating, because if he did, he’d already be gone and bringing divorce papers and mandatory paternity tests into it.

    And listen, I don’t believe OP hid it. I don’t think it was relevant to her current relationship so she didn’t say anything about it. OP doesn’t owe her husband a list of her previous transgressions in relationships. I’m sure, based on her husband’s behavior, he has some doozies as well. Until now, they weren’t relevant to this relationship. Because you can’t tell me that OP’s husband JUST started dealing with shit in this unhealthy abusive manner in this relationship.

  6. Why are you still with her? Please leave and find help. If kids are involved then please take them as well as they are not safe. Document everything she does to you, take pictures and report it!

  7. You have to say something.

    First, this is a health issue. It needs to be addressed. Something is causing this sudden change.

    Second, ignoring all the people who will call me shallow for this, you can't date somebody you're not attracted to. It's a recipe for disaster. So if you don't say something, the only option is to break up. It would be a shame to jump straight to that.

    Try to broach the subject gently. She clearly knows it's happening, but maybe she is in denial and needs to confront it.

    Good chance she flips out and calls you shallow, and the relationship blows up. Such is the risk we run when doing the right thing.

    Good luck.

  8. My sister is the same way. She’s physically attracted to women, but will never be in a relationship with one, or marry one. She sees herself at the end of the day married to a man and with kids. The women thing is just a “phase.” I don’t agree, but it is what it is.

    I’m sorry you’re hurting. You just would have always been the side piece until she met the man she wants to marry, then she’d ghost you. You’ll find someone beautiful who adores having you on her arm.

    You’ll find someone great that is proud and open on

  9. Great news! Hopefully he gets the help he needs. Sounds like the dam broke in that conversation…shame around mental health disorders create all sorts of problems. If he feels safe talking about it and getting help, that portends a much better outcome.

  10. So here in the UK you can’t get it done on the NHS past 25 I think. But you can go private and pay for it. I still think there should be no age limit but what do I know.

  11. So basically your child is living in an abusive environment during critical years for mental development. Seems like you have 1 choice here.

  12. This is correct. If she's not into women (and possibly neither is the 3rd party), and based on her reaction also isn't interested in watching OP be with other women, why would she agree to participate in this? And not everyone has a threesome, nor is there any guarentee it will happen if they split up, so OP may always “miss out” on this.

  13. You shouldn't be having a baby yet, by the sounds of it.

    Go take the morning after pill, then sit your husband down and work it, set rules and if you ever go there again, make 100% certain and don't change your mind seconds after he had put his sail up.

  14. This is a basic incompatibility, like if one person wants children and the other doesn't. You've made a commitment to your animals. The fact that he thought you would just leave them behind seems like he's missing some empathy. They are bonded to you and depend on you; I wouldn't ditch my boys for anything, I wouldn't be able to online with myself. You don't necessarily have to break up, but I don't think you can ever online together.

  15. unpopular take, but here it is: you’re not married to her. you did not vow to be there “in sickness and in health.” right now, you’re trying to also focus on school to better your life. you can’t focus if you’re going to be worried about her having another psychotic break and escaping like houdini. it is ok to say, “I love her, but I am not equipped to help her and also support us. This is bigger than what I can handle.”

  16. Just admit you hate your DIL and want to break them up. Also…WHAT CULTURE promotes cousin marriage? Incest much? That may explain your constant pushing of your son and your cousin together. LEAVE your son and his family ALONE. If you do not, for sure they’re going no contact with you and that grandbaby will not be in your life. Neither will your son.

  17. He was a fuckboy and he only wanted her sexually too until I don't know what changed and he decided to become a bf? He was denying her too. She had told him she liked him but didnt have sex. She didn't give him sex unti until he became her bf which took nearly 2 years

  18. If you need the space (which it sounds like you do), then ignore her violation of the agreement and stick to the no contact rule on your end. Your friend is probably correct about the her reasoning.

  19. There is a constraint on her ability to get pregnant. She’s 35. If she waits around a few years for another relationship, it could be too late for her to conceive. As long as she’s prepared to raise the child alone, she should do it if she wants

  20. Look deep down I’m looking for advice to give me confidence in this relationship. I want this to work. I feel like it could with one more chance. She didn’t break up with me. She gave me a break. What should I do with one more chance. Before my overthinking affected her she told me “yeah I can spend my life with this guy”. I love this woman.

  21. But he doesn't want to, if it mattered to him that you were so upset he'd swallow his pride and see someone. But honestly if your pleasure mattered at all he'd be getting you off twice with his mouth and his fingers before his penis went anywhere near you.

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