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Indian_ladylive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for live! sex video chat Indian_lady

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Date: October 9, 2022

56 thoughts on “Indian_ladylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. So many red flags it's nude to know where to begin:

    You: I have worked with this guy (32m) for around 9 months and we have gotten really close.

    – So this was going on while you were pregnant even? Already bad, but this just makes it even worse, as it shows this guy knew you were with someone, and you hadn't even had your baby yet and you were already emotionally cheating and putting your brand new family at risk? Wooooow….

    You: There is flirting and we text. We spend a lot of time together at work and he has always been forward with me and wants more.

    So you flirt with the guy….Text the guy (So you extend your cheating to outside of just work hours?) and you knew from the get-go that he wants to sleep with you, and yet instead of shutting it down, you STILL chose to text, flirt, and get close with this guy? (Whilst pregnant)

    You: Last week he kissed me, touched me and I realize things have gotten out of hand.

    – Notice how you change your language to deflect personal responsibility? “HE touched me… HE kissed me” — No… YOU and he touched and kissed. How do I know this? Because your next sentence:

    You: I am planning on talking to this guy soon about everything.

    – The fact that there was kissing and touching that took place and you CHOSE to not talk to him, means you either reciprocated, or just allowed it to happen. ANY response other than “no, stop that, get away from me I'm married and have a kid” means you were a willing participant. In this dudes mind, he still has no clue you had a problem with it, IF you even did I mean – Which if I were a betting man I'd say you were just fine with it based on all your decisions that led you to this point.

    Should you tell your husband that this guy kissed you? No, absolutely not? Why not? Because you should instead be telling him that YOU have been carrying on a emotional affair, flirting and texting with a guy who explicitly told you who wants more with you… And that all your fraternizing led to the TWO OF YOU kissing and touching. THAT'S what you should tell your husband if you wish to be accurate and honest.

  2. Instead of numbing yourself with video games, try giving your free time to helping others. Is there one person at all in your life who does right by you? Do something thoughtful and kind for them and expect nothing in return but the joy of giving.

    If you have no one in your life you can do it for, do it for a stranger in need.

    If you won't do that then sorry bud, you have the garden you planted.

  3. u/sumon5060, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. I'm not sure, but I don't think I would talk to him again. Even if you are just FWB, you deserve some communication. Don't let him just come around when it is convenient for him.

  5. u/liesanddeciet10, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

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  6. What healthy thngs are you getting from this relationship? Why are you his caregiver? Get out for your own good.

  7. After the first couple of times this happened, and you stayed, you taught her that you're okay with it.

    Why are you in this? It's toxic.

  8. Which means you aren’t sorry you did it. You’re just sorry you got caught. You’d still be doing it if she hadn’t caught you.

  9. Hello /u/ThrowRA_HopeRomantic,

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  11. That's YOUR problem, not hers. That doesn't mean she can't ASK for different support in the future. Just because you've freely offered support doesn't mean you can get offended if she asks for a different style. You both need therapy, but you're caught in a pattern that you're both contributing to

  12. Yeah, I agree with my priorities maybe not being in line right now. I don’t know that I agree about my desire to be in control of something. We are not having children. I appreciate your comment.

  13. Wait what! Leave this loser. You would go to jail doing this for him. For him to even ask such a thing would’ve been a deal breaker for me knowing his grown ass can’t have one on his own. Don’t break the law for this numb nut.

  14. I know a lot of people with all kinds of mental illness, and they're not selfish jerks. It's not an excuse.

  15. Considering your comment history that others have shed light on, you sound like a terrible friend.

    You also keep bringing up this memoir as if it has any relevancy. What kind of 25 year old, who is barely about to get a doctoral candidacy, has enough life experience to even write a memoir worth reading.

  16. . I know I need to do better.

    Oh god please do not do this shit. respect yourself.

    He has the addictions, and you think you should do better. That is sad.

    He’s really upset with me and how I haven’t been there for him.

    Again, this is infuriating. DO NOT let him treat you this way.

    Cut your losses and run NOW. You are way to young to live! with this, this isnt something that goes away.

  17. i just dont want it to seem like im hurt or he still has me you know (even if i do actually feel sad about the relationship ending etc we dont want him to know that) Lol

  18. Nor should she. Being coupled does not mean privacy goes out the window. You’re the toxic one, grow the hell up.

  19. this was my father, and i spent my entire life walking on eggshells and watched that man try to destroy everyone who came in his path. it took my mother two tries to get out, and none of his kids speak to him anymore. we were better off without him, and everyone, including him, knows it.

  20. And now I really don't know what to do..

    yeah you do. you go to your graduation. sorry your brother is an ass who scheduled his wedding on your graduation day

  21. You should have made it a dealbreaker then and there to either see those messages or you leave. Yes, she has had conversations with him that were inappropriate, or she would not hide them.

    Keep in mind, having guy friends in itself is fine, but if she was flirting with him, she will be flirting with other guys too. Her cutting contact with him is meaningless.

    Sadly, by denying you seeing those messages, she leaves you no option, but to assume the worst. You have wasted time for 2 unfaithful girlfriends and only got hurt as result. Do you want to do it a third time?

  22. I hate these made up stories. I used to like this sub but now it's filled with karma-farmers and weirdos who get some kind of kick out of making people rage on internet.

  23. So ironic that men will want to raise to daughters to be one way but when looking for a partner they want something completely different

    He was probably initially attracted to you because you were independent and he didn’t feel like a walking bank, but that’s how he wants to raise your daughter?

  24. Say you need to reduce it because your body is now literally hurting. Tell her you don’t want to stop having sex, that you just to reduce it to an amount your body can take.

  25. His account is our joint account and I have mine separate, he earns nearly double what I do. We can't afford a cleaner as much as I'd love one!

  26. I think it's unfair to feel any sort of way towards the cousin. If I got invited, I'd assume both partners were okay with it. Wouldn't ever call my cousin's SO to be sure they both were actually okay with it..

  27. I know. Same with army. My ex was actove duty for 14 years. He was an E-5 before he made decent pay, except during deployments.

    I am sorry, but a 5K ring on a Marines salary is really too much, and why did you finance, and pay for her car? Does she work? Does she pay for anything for herself?

  28. “How do you feel about open relationships?”

    And understand that this means that a year from now she's probably going to be dating someone else. Whether or not she'll still be dating you is less certain.

  29. It definitely hurts. I have my insecurities of course, but I’ve never had low self esteem and something about this just felt degrading

  30. if this is true, you have to do a test first. but to test, you are going to have to come clean to at least your husband. best to start ripping these bandaids off and dealing with consequences of your actions. your husband and your son deserve to know the truth, especially if your husband is not the bio father of your son.

  31. Well uh, if she's going to cheat on you, it won't matter what she's wearing you know. Either you trust her or you don't, her clothes are irrelevant.

  32. I really really REALLY don't want the relationship to be over I love her so much but i feel very unloved. Lee has a boyfriend so I'm not sure she's cheating with Lee but iv asked her to call me and to make sure she has an hour or two to talk. I'm going to tell her how I feel and tell her something has got to change or the relationship is over.

  33. He is a chicken , and didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to have an adult conversation with you before he left. You don’t need to waste a second waiting for someone like that.

    Consider it a gift. He showed you his true colors now. Move on and find someone who appreciates you

  34. Ok I say this kindly – you need to focus on you, and probably not date for a bit. I read that you are a serial monogamist/dater who just lives with people all the time to avoid having to make your own life choices. That isn’t healthy! You will be easy to control and you will be confused about how you got there.

    My dad is very much like you. He’s 66 and is always dating someone and hates to be alone. He’s a funny guy, good looking and does triathlons and marathons still, always planning fun dates, so he has no trouble finding someone, but he gets so miserable and lonely when he doesn’t have a gf. It will only get worse for you. Better to figure it out now. I’m your age. We’re still young. If your therapist isn’t helpful, find another. When you’re screening them, be honest and say that you need help charting your own course, you have trouble being alone, you need a directive therapist instead of just talk therapy.

  35. Thank you. It’s very nude. Thankfully I have always refused key parties, threesomes, sex clubs etc. So far it’s only things like wanting sex when I was asleep (stopped several years ago when I made the consequences very clear if it happened again no matter what I mumbled in my sleep as I’m a sleep walker/talker), going out with ‘the boys’, going to the bar etc. He woke me once to ask about a partner switch I think he called it. Thankfully he told me the next day and I made it clear whatever I said wasn’t to be honored because I was asleep and don’t remember any of it. If he wants to talk to me I need to be able to sit up, answer questions that require thought and be able to explain my answers coherently. Just as I don’t ask him questions when he’s super absorbed in work or his games.

  36. Your entire relationship is toxic, not just his proposal. You're both too immature to be in a relationship, ESPECIALLY with each other. At your ages this is a joke tbh. My advice is break up and work on yourself, and next time don't allow yourself to be drawn into this kind of toxic behaviour.

  37. You probably love him because you never really had anyone treat you well. You're just used to him even though you know you probably deserve better or could do better. But it's a lot of work to do that so you'd rather stay.

    From what you said this does not sound like a serious adult relationship.

    Stop being gentle. Just break up. If he even bothers to ask you why feel free to tell him what youve said here for your next relationship not this one.

  38. Yes, i was diagnosed with it freshman year of college, and i had received therapy and well as medications for anxiety and insomnia, but it made me completely numb and zombie-like. What is psychotherapy and is it easily- accessible ?

  39. There might not be someone else telling her things. It’s likely that she simply believes this and is trying to claim someone said something

    Why did you propose to a woman that would believe a random person over you for something like this?

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