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Alotropp the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Alotropp, 32 y.o.


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Alotropp live! sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

26 thoughts on “Alotropp the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Commitment is most often from establishing an emotional connection. How people establish an emotional connection is hugely impacted by attachment style (easy to google). There are three main types, secure, avoidant, anxious. Then there’s disorganized (which is just a combo of both anxious and avoidant).

    Some people have a bit of all three, some people have more of one than another. Some people have a lot of all of it. What helps people connect is when their attachment traits compliment each other. One combo is really hot though, and that’s disorganized, when you have a lot of anxious and avoidant traits together. People like that crave relationships but often are only comfortable chasing, and feel trapped or disinterested when someone chases them.

  2. Yes. If you’re still together in a couple of years and you feel certain. She is only 20. There is no rush, you know? ❣️

  3. Just wondering. If you're a guy, how would you feel about a girl you don't know at all just popping up in your dms just saying hi.

  4. Damn ok, like when dating them I find out a few weeks in they’ve had bad ex’s I don’t knowingly go out finding girls on a rebound bro

    It’s just been common they mention their ex was abusive or the reasons why they think they should be alone and focus on themselves ect

    In this day and age being 25 M it’s hot to find anyone that’s not been dating at all man let alone someone who’s single for 1 year so what’s ur advice on finding girls that have been single for that long ?

  5. This guy is very dismissive of your health and opinion. Side effects are so, so common. Plenty of meds have a list of side effects that more than 1 in 10 get – no exact numbers specified, so it could be 9 out of 10.

    You know your body best. He doesn't. He's annoyed that he has to take some responsibility for your mutual birth control and that he doesn't get the 100% experience that he's used to, but that's no reason to be an ass to you or try to pressure you to take medication you don't want to take. If he doesn't like it, he can start looking into alternative solutions which don't involve you taking further risks for his pleasure.

  6. Thank you, I explained to him that it seems like he doesn’t trust me and he said it had nothing do with that & that it’s about peace and then ofc all his friends agreed with him. I told him before that I don’t like having to take plan b especially since I have an increase appetite and now I’m eating a lot. And he totally disregarded what I said

  7. Hello /u/Outside-Sun850,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. Consider this a foreshadowing of the what your future holds. If he is willing to choose his brother over you now, it will get much worse. It’s called co-dependency. You both needs counseling so you can get the hell out of there asap.

  9. I agree with you open communication is the key. As I don’t want to be going home with a stressed face then her having to question me over my mood.

    I do indeed need lots of reassurance, that is not to say she has ever done something to make me think otherwise but its just the type of person I am, thats fair to say?

  10. Good point. She doesn't want to do couples counciling. We did it before and she was blamed and told better (paraphrased short version). So that makes her not want to go. We have talked anytime.i bring things up its an argument

  11. Yo my discover page has even shown ppl i go to school with bc i followed people that followed them. Its incredibly not random

  12. If this is real, your son is a smart kid with great morals. You should be proud of him & let him on-line his life as he pleases. He has told you everything, listen to him & leave him alone.

  13. Finally found the one comment where it properly explains this.

    Op’s partner is doing this for culture purposes, probably more so pressure from his mother. If anyone has friends or family, like me, who are Jewish, oh you KNOW exactly what I’m talking about regarding this.

    A Jewish mother will be pressed till her death bed if her children do not give them grandkids who are always by cultural faith Jewish. They want to know the traditions carry with the grandchildren and want their sons to marry Jewish or make sure the woman converts so by automatic association the kids are Jewish.

  14. Dude get a lawyer and divorce her. She flat told you that you mean NOTHING to her. She belongs to the streets.

  15. It does not happen every time, OP was quite clear that is not true. The only thing prone to causing the issue is her insisting

    It's also not her dick. She doesn't have a right to an opinion about permanent surgical alteration of his body. He doesn't want it. End of. If she doesn't like that, she can walk.

  16. Imagine being married to a person for the rest of your life who made you feel bad for having sex with them?

    Drop the dude. You’re young, and deserve a partner you can enjoy life with.

  17. OP, you have a problem

    If you telling us the complete truth then you need to tell your BF about what happened immediately. You also need to do something about this guy. Short answer is to kick him out. He crossed a boundary knowing your in a relationship. There is no coming back from that. If you don't tell your BF and he finds out another way then your relationship is done. If you allow this person to stay over, no matter how you tell him that he cross the line, to him it would be like your just saying that for your BF's sake. He will do it again.

  18. I get your point of view. But my husband is actually incredibly helpful at home. We try to split household chores evenly and he’s a great dad. Always spending time with our kid so I can have a break or work on homework.

  19. I'm sure they are also unhappy that you are unemployed, at age 32, but feel like reminding you of it would be beating you down.

    You are a failure-to-thrive adult, unemployed, living with aging parents, unable to have a meaningful relationship with a partner. Providing them with a grandchild is really not the main problem here. Don't go looking into adoption or surrogacy as a way to satisfy them so you can continue dodging “maturation” as your prinicipal challenge.

    Start living like an independent adult – get a job (even though you are “not too interested”), move out, then start dating (even though your heart's not in it), and maybe as a fully developed adult you can return to the grandchild issue. Or tell them to pound sand. In any case you are wasting your life in the current situation.

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