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Ailin-berck58 online webcams for YOU!


let me dance for you and see my big ass!!! [GOAL MET]

Date: October 10, 2022

4 thoughts on “Ailin-berck58 online webcams for YOU!

  1. First, I'm sorry your mom has been pretty shitty to you.

    How can I best approach my mother about how this has affected me?


    You are trying to make rational sense out of her actions, why she would do something for your cousin that she wouldn't do for you. Our minds want to make rational sense out of things. They help us process the emotion reactions to situations.

    But there is no rational sense to be made here, as your mother has acted irrationally and with bad intent to emotionally hurt you. She can't see you for the person you are. She has shown you over and over that her emotional relationship with you is unhealthy and flat out cruel.

    Your instinct is 100% right, telling her your feelings here isn't going to matter to her.

    This is a point in your life to come to terms with the fact that your mother is not a good person, and not the mother you wish you had. And that SUCKS. You deserve better. You deserve a family that treats you with love and respect. But you aren't going to get that from her. So it's time to stop having any hope or expectation that you will, so it doesn't ever let you down again.

    So what do you do from here? Distance yourself from your mother. Stay involved with the rest of your family however you want, but only with relationships where you give and receive love and respect. If things about your mother come up with them, just dismiss it. “Yeah, mom and I aren't super close these days, you know, things just ebb and flow.” Don't stoop to her level of shit talking and gossip. Because she WILL shit talk you. She will continue to tell anyone who will listen that you didn't deserve a party and she denied that from you. She's gets off on that because she is not a good person. Good people don't get joy from other's pain. Again, rise above that stuff. Don't hold any of this against your other cousins, do whatever you are comfortable with for them, but don't things to spite your mom.

    You deserve better than how you've been treated. Surround yourself with the people in your life who treat you with love and respect. Slowly cut out those that don't.

  2. Pur relationship is so great. We communicate well and see each other super often and go on lots of dates! The only problems we’ve had is when he told me he wants me to go to the gym if I want him to be overly horny because our sex life isn’t the best. We have sex not so often and he said if I want it more I have to go to the gym because all his exes were gym girls.

  3. Thank you. This is naked to hear but what I needed to hear. I have tried no contact before and always gave in before three months. I guess I haven't really given myself the time to get over him, even the real relationship ended years ago.

  4. They’re clearly not smart enough to notice you’d be a good person to keep around; considering there are many different types of intelligences, doubt they’re very smart on average to begin with.

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