morri , ♥ live around 9:00 – 13:00 GMT, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Live! Live Sex Chat rooms morri , ♥ online around 9:00 – 13:00 GMT
Date: October 10, 2022
morri , ♥ live around 9:00 – 13:00 GMT, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
I'm curious, have your birthday or Christmas gifts been worth over $700? It doesn't strike you as a little odd that he spent that much on a child he's not even related to?
How long have you two been dating? Does your sister approve of your relationship?
Whether he's cheating on you or not, he's neglecting his role as a parent because he doesn't believe it is his role. He said he thinks it's your job.
Don't marry and have kids with people who believe this. Date to find out what someone is like before you get stuck. You can't change a person. He's not going to suddenly come around. You need to do what's best for you and your baby and leave him.
Most people, male and female, actually enjoy being around their significant other because they LIKE that person, which is why they choose to be in a relationship. Does he even like you? Does he enjoy your company? Living together generally makes it easier for couples to have time together, to share their lives, which most couples consider a good thing. People do need time and space to themselves, some more than others, but it's plain weird that he believes most men don't actually want to live! with their partners. Why would they do it if they don't want to? Seems like he's got some questionable ideas about hetero relationships, and possibly doesn't even enjoy the company of women all that much, and is projecting his weird feelings onto all other men. Very strange.
Calling other men “pussies” for choosing to live! with their partners is ridiculous and childish. Can he not even fathom actually wanting to be around a woman enough to live! with one? What's his damage though?
Dump him and don’t look back.
2 months and you've already met her kids? That does not sit right with me.
My mom did that when I first moved back in(after a break up) and there's no lock on my door. I told her point blank that at some point she will see me masturbating and she stopped.
She just wants attention. Ignore it
Why would you want someone who treats you as a back up plan? An option? Let him know the door isn't open. It's time to let this one go. He will regret it and eventually come back when he's bored. If you have any sort of self-worth, don't get back together with him. He doesn't value you. Find someone who does.
She wouldn’t let it go and told me that I didn’t go and defend her honor.
She doesn't care about your well-being.