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preet-raajlive sex stripping with hd cam


39 thoughts on “preet-raajlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Umm what did I just read? So your spouse goes to others when you have a nude time and you say it is your fault? Seriously? It is an excuse, nothing more. She should take ownership instead of blaming you for her choices.

    Next thing, she's been texting and sending nudes for a year and claims they only made out. Read that please. She sent nudes and claims only made out and nothing more. They have done more than made out. I would turn the conversation, did they use protection or not? May want to get tested, just saying.

  2. I’ll say this. Definitely go to court for custody, your ex is not handling her emotions properly, but you have to look at it this way. You just divorced a few months ago, and you’re already dating someone new and calling them the love of your life? That’s really fast.

    Did you meet this new woman you’re dating before you got the divorce or even mentioned it?

    Did you ever ask her to pitch in more, go back to work, tell her your sexual and emotional needs, and fry going to couples therapy?

    The fact that you say you were never truly happy makes her feel used, because you led her on for years, especially if you weren’t communicating any of this, which it sounds like you weren’t.

    Are you paying any alimony and child support?

  3. before real feelings get involved

    Run before the real feelings start. Unless you want to entertain us in a few months with another post about your creepy bf, you better Usain the hell Bolt out of there.

  4. You speak so highly of the other woman but the truth is she has not respected your marriage at all. She told a married man she has feelings for them and the whole, “I'll love you no matter what”. You are both delusional. Why stay with your wife at this point? You have completely painted her as the boring, predictable wife and this new girl as fun and exciting. You have been actively feeding into this emotional affair for years?! This is awful. Your wife deserves better! She may not be new and exciting, but she has been betrayed for years and you're afraid to leave because deep down you know that the grass may not be greener on the other side. You're afraid to make the wrong choice, so you're not giving your wife the choice to stay with you and fight for your marriage or move on. This is awful. Again, you're wife deserves so much better than you.

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  6. So there are a lot of explanations.

    He might have given you the wrong number accidentally. He might have given you the wrong number on purose (unlikely). You might have made a mistake typing the number. He might have turned of his phone already at that time. He might have put the phone aside, was busy at that time. He saw the text and wanted to reply but was busy at the time and forgot. He saw the text but did not feel the need to reply at that moment.

    There might be a lot more explanations. However there is one person on this eart and one person only that can tell you why he did not reply and its not a random stranger on reddit.

  7. Thank you I kinda needed to hear that ? it has been tough financially so I do understand, apparently the friends dad will pay for some of it but he has already said he will pay for some of the stuff so he doesn't feel bad. He said that we can go another time and it will be just as fun and even more special as I'll be there but I want to be there the first time he goes ☹

    So the friend and my partners sibling are on the autistic spectrum and I've never met the friend before. Though if I have to be 100% honest I don't think my partners sibling likes me all that much (even though I have made a huge effort to learn about the boundaries and do and don'ts) so I am unsure if that has perhaps influenced the situation but I can't just come out and ask.

  8. You’re detached in the sense that you can put aside your dads affair and still treat him as an equal to your mum. Not everyone can do that as they blame one parent for the affair and breaking apart their family. I wouldn’t take it as a criticism as everyone reacts differently to that sort of thing as there’s no right or wrong way.

    The previous comment is probably right in what you should do though. You love both of your parents and being forced to end one of those relationships is a horrible position to be in. Due to that you’re likely to resent the person who made you choose so you should pick the other one. You’ll then at least keep one good relationship and potentially the other if they do go back on their ultimatum.

  9. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I know how it feels. Takes a bit of work to improve but it’s worth it especially if you and your partner make it a point to practice doing so.

  10. off just worried if we never date other people ill always have a “what if” thought . but its also foolish to assume letting someone go keeps them in ur life and especially as a romantic prospect yk haha. thank u for reading and replying!

  11. One thing I will say is with my ex after we broke up she said actually she just needed space for sometime but then when I gave it to her she said you should have came and saw me. I knew then it wasn’t worth playing the games but yeah 99% do give them the space.

  12. What you need to understand is that there are many layers to sex and sexuality, with physicality being the most superficial one.

    Real sex is about connection. It's about vulnerability. It's about intimacy.

    Those wild times are thrilling in the moment and can be looked back upon fondly, but that's it. They will never be more than a cheap thrill without the depth that comes from having sex with somebody that you're in love with. Somebody that you connect with on every level.

    It doesn't matter if your ex dated a stud who took her every which way and could go all night. That's in her past, and why begrudge her that experience? It shaped her into the person you love today.

    I think it is unwise to try to emulate former lovers, because everyone forms their own bond and finds their own rhythm. But they certainly don't have a patent on spontaneity, if that's what she's into. My advice would be to try your best to leave it in the past where it belongs, and as clichéd as it sounds try to acknowledge that your girlfriend loves you for you.

    Focus on nurturing the other aspects of your relationship and whenever this silly event from the past comes into your head, make a conscious effort to not give it anymore energy. Our mind can be our best friend or our worst enemy, but we have much more of a say in that than we realise.

    What you are experiencing is very common. It stings a bit now, but it will fade. Keep on watering your own garden and the garden of your relationship and focus on making new memories with the person you love, not dwelling on old ones pertaining to a person you've probably never met.

  13. not underage but definitely younger. lol i asked him the same thing. but the last girl initiated the relationship and with us we didn’t know our age difference until later

  14. Well it could be a few things. Ask him about it.

    Three months isn’t very long for some people. It depends on the kinds of conversations you are having, etc. if you feel like something is off about this, there probably is.

  15. Tell your parents that it's unacceptable and going forward, unless your partner is invited that you won't be attending as you are done with this. If they invite you and say no partners are invited, then her BF is there, leave immediately.

    Your partner is meant to be your person, so while you've been speaking to your parents about this, now you need to put action behind it. They don't have to love him as their feelings are theirs, but the behavior needs to stop.

  16. Is this a compatibility issue? Is what he’s doing acceptable to other people?

    Sometimes I’m afraid that I’m overreacting. Idk.

  17. I get how you would see it like that, but I've told her countless times that I didn't need to go to her when I'm like that but she insists on it. Plus I dont need her at my beck and call but in a moment like that, her putting homework over me hurts.

  18. People look their best in their 20’s-30’s. If your marriage truly means a life together, be prepared for changes. Weight gain is minuscule. People get sick. Sometimes they lose body parts, their mobility and independence. Bearing children changes a woman’s body. It just does. Men with great hair start to lose it, some in their 20’s. Illness. Accidents.. Events out of your control can alter a partner’s desirable” body. Time steals your looks, males and females. If you have money, surgery is an option but if you look at certain celebrities you can see how easily this goes tits up. If you don’t take your marriage vows seriously, don’t make them. Stay together as a couple as long as it’s viable. I’m not advocating people to stay in unhealthy relationships. If it’s bad at the root, get out! If there is abuse, neglect or other serious problem, divorce IS the answer. Sometimes therapy is enough. If a moderate weight gain affecting your partner’s sex drive at your age I’d want relationship counselling at the very least.

  19. PTSD.

    It's almost a decade since my divorce and I still feel uncomfortable. I communicated this with my partner and he has been very patient. There are times it becomes too much and I shut down, but he's still there. There are times I feel he deserves better so I push him away, he's still there. Then there was the panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. He was still there and saw me through it. I'm now at a point where I acknowledge it's uncomfortable, but I deserve it and I want it.

    Please get therapy for self esteem and self worth along side trauma. They are the foundation you need for healthy relationships (especially with yourself). If you believe you're worthless, you will let others treat you like it and pile on more trauma.

  20. Exactly and if Amanda wants someone to blame for OP not being present for her she needs to be mad at her mother. Betty did all of this by moving away and putting strain on their relationship. I would bet anything she down talked him too

  21. Say you're super excited to go to Disney Land. You and your friend both agree tomorrows the day you're going. Tomorrow comes, but that morning your friend finds out you didn't get the fast pass and backs out completely. They only like going to Disney Land with fast passes, and that's understandable because the lines are miserable, but shouldn't they have said something before you made plans and bought tickets? That wouldn't be frustrating at all?

  22. I'd say that anything that could possibly result in death/injury/kidnapping that could cause your partner emotional distress or grief, would qualify as a major life decision.

  23. Well he needs to cut off his ex but it doesn’t look like he’s going to do that. I have seen this type of situation and he’s not going to stop with her. Tell him how you feel but I would say you need to move on.

  24. Find a younger WLW to be with, this is some predatory shit. You're still pretty young so you might feel good having the “seasoned” partner, but she's just taking advantage of you.

    She's making you feel like garbage over this so that you feel trapped, and can never turn your age gap around on her because “you did it too, you're no better than me.”

  25. Please, find your self-worth and self-respect and flipping leave already. You are a doormat and you are drunk and high.. get a grip on life and reality already.

    Sorry for being so blunt.

  26. Then what advice are you looking for?

    What can live! strangers tell you that trained, licensed psychotherapists are unable to?

    It's so much easier to listen to wel-meaning strangers on the internet saying nice things to you than to do the naked work of self-examination that an experienced therapist will require of you in order to help you find and maintain healthier relationships.

    It's up to You to do and be better – with proper help.

  27. Wanna ball sniffer? Get a dog.

    What behavior is this? If he could reach down there, flexibility wise, he d' probably sith with his nose down there all the time.

    Like eeeeeeek!

  28. He's not being too honest, he's doing it on purpose to try and change and mold you to get you to do what he wants. He's nearly a decade older than you, that's two completely different places in life, experiences, relationship, and expectations.

    However you've mentioned that you've brought up you don't like it and he ignores your concerns and, frankly, reasonable actions because it makes you upset and he still does it. He ignores your requests and that he's hurting your feelings and he still doesn't. He doesn't care about your feelings and he doesn't care that he's hurting you. Why do you want to be with someone who purposefully and continually ignores your simple wants.

    This is NOT something YOU need to work on. This is something HE needs to stop doing, full stop, because it's simple and basic respect. Which he is showing he doesn't have or hold for you. Most of the time there's a reason people like him don't date people near his age.

    You are both adults. Act like it. You've told him your stance and how you feel, he doesn't care. You can't MAKE him do anything. So what are you going to do? Continue to put up with something that's making you upset or leave?

    You've already drawn the line, he just keeps stepping over it because he knows you'll redraw it. And redraw it. And redraw it.

    It's reddit talking point at this point but, in this case, it needs to be said: my advice? Break up with him. You're young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it being upset and sad and beating yourself up over a problem he keeps creating.

    Good luck, OP.

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