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Abbygirlxoxolive sex stripping with hd cam


58 thoughts on “Abbygirlxoxolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yea, they are not worth your energy. At least you tried to be friendly, but them not being receptive or even professional because yall are working, right? Is somewhat rude and a little disrespectful. People like that definitely need to work on being more positive and their own happiness.

  2. This exact type of thing was a huge issue in my last relationship. I called it “using affection as a currency.” If she was upset about something, she would punish me by withholding her “I love yous” or the usual “Good night” routine that we had. I grew up in a family where whenever we left for school, got off the phone, or gave a loved one a farewell hug, we said “I love you.”

    I've heard too many stories in my life, of people that argued with someone, and then that someone had a tragic accident before it could ever be reconciled. The guilt and self-loathing that comes from that is something I have always vowed to avoid. I can deal with the silent treatment, or giving them space, etc… but I will never vindictively act like I don't love someone just because I am upset.

    If your relationship is anything like my last one… there is nothing you can do. I tried talking about it with her multiple times, explaining exactly what I explained above; but it never helped, and that “affection currency” system is one of the main reasons we broke up. As time has gone on, I have grown to realize that some people just deal with their anger in different ways. For me, that's a deal breaker… I refuse to be treated with dynamically conditional love. But you have to decide for yourself if it's a big deal for you or not.

  3. I'm a man and have the same fears. I don't and never will. I make sure to have communication and I always think of her first. Meaning if plans change throughout my day she is the first one I let know . I always offer for her to go with me anywhere I go. She my best friend and lover !, so why wouldn't I want her around. I never let doubt get in our relationship. I don't moments where I forget or say I didn't remember or sorry I got to busy. Those are just ways to say sorry you weren't my priority and I thought of myself instead of you. . Nope I don't pull bullshit like that. People don't have respect like they used too for there partner, lover,wife,boyfriend or girlfriend. Some say I'm to much always considering my woman first. Nope that me and that's that. Yes I hang with friends and she does to . But once you choose to pick a friend over your other you may want to ask yourself why your with that person .because if you can't share everything with your other and must share or talk or hang out with someone else . You might as make your other #2 at that moment. Yes its healthy to go out with friend im talking about not inviting you other to go with you . Plus you friends should place your other first.

  4. Your husband is a better man than me. You never deserved him and hopefully he’s smart enough to not go back to you

  5. Every time I read r/relationship_advice and think “wow, that’s the shittiest behaviour I’ve ever seen,” some new asshole comes along and lowers the bar.

    Your husband is a piece of shit, and I am so sorry you have to deal with this. Fuck him and his designer pants and his manipulating you into providing “free” labor of a type you never volunteered for and also don’t have the skills for.

  6. It’s gonna make things harder for you. It sounds like she’s already working on moving on and while I think hooking up would erase all the progress you’ve made while moving on, it likely wouldn’t do the same for her. I think she’s just lonely and horny and not actually missing you.

  7. Oh I didn’t think you were mad. i got that you were feeling weird about it. If you have been to a strip clubs you know how tame they are then. This is such a bachelor party rite of passage. I get feel a little queer about it but the good news is that this isn’t something your husband does every weekend or a few times a week. I have seen posts here about that. ?

  8. u/DarkPanther2015, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. The most important decision you will ever make is who you marry. You really want to get it right. Getting married has never solved underlying issues in a relationship.

  10. You are with a narcissistic abusive husband. He gets off putting you down. Simple really. Get a great lawyer who will turn your excuses into distance and move on.

  11. I dumped a guy cause I had to ask him 3 times to shower. Kept saying he would and staying in bed. 3 days of no shower. 3 days in bed. Was that a morality issue? No. But the principal of “I don't want to raise a man” was absolutely what made me lose all attraction to this man.

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  13. There’s something going on. She might be good at her work ok but that much good that he can’t get over it for days. She should have a promotion then why stay in this job .

    No he’s telling you all this so you won’t doubt why he’s always taking her and gave her an office close to his.

    He probably has an affair with her.

  14. You can't change anyone until they wanna change themselves. You may get engaged, get married, but then they might decide that he conditions change before they want to improve themselves. Honestly this kid needs some growing up before she can be a good partner to anyone, it sounds like.

  15. Question: when you first got together did you like and welcome his touches Luke the ones that are annoying you. And has the frequency of your sex life died down recently?

  16. Why should you do anything in regards to him? He broke up with you, time to cut ties and move on. You are not together anymore.

    Seek help, you relying on him for your mental health is a lot of pressure and i'm guessing it's not the first time you made him feel this weight, seeing how quick he cut off the ties

  17. Try Planned Parenthood. They will work around your finances, they also provide prenatal care if you want to do this.

  18. I would too. It would bother me, the nagging feeling like you forgot your chapstick that you always put in your left pocket.

    It's meaningless, the chapstick, but it broke routine and it would bother me until I had that damn chapstick and was back on routine. That type of nagging feeling, like the script is wrong.

  19. He’s trying to have his cake and eat it too. If you want something more serious, you’ll likely need to end it with him and move on. You both are on different paths. And despite your feelings for him, he likely won’t change his mind anytime soon. So you’re either stuck with him and unhappy, or you move on so you can find someone who matches better with what you want. I know that sounds difficult and scary, but it’s much better than being with this guy and not feeling important or truly loved/appreciated by him. You deserve better.

  20. Look up REM Behavior Disorder. It is a sleep disorder that includes excessive physical activity during sleep, including walking, talking, arguing and fighting. There are also all sorts of medications that can cause this. Definitely talk to your Dr. , and in the meantime, cuddle before sleep, but then move to separate beds for safety and actually getting rest.

    Don't feel bad about sleeping in separate beds if that's the best way to get sufficient rext for both if you. My husband and I have been doing twin beds in the same room all along, because we are both awful sleepers, and its what works best for us. I also know a few very happy and successful couples that can't even share a room at night, because healthy sleep is better for the relationship than restless snoring, kicking and kerping each other awake.

  21. If she's going to therapy, have you offered to go with her to a few sessions? Maybe book some sessions with her therapist to see how you can help support her?

  22. Did she change birth control? That can absolutely murder your sex drive. Otherwise you just may no longer be compatible? Seems weird she was all for it in the beginning and now it’s a dead bedroom situation.

  23. Nope, as someone who loves anal with my partner, it’s a prep thing first and foremost.

    You can literally tear your anus due to it getting stretch if you do not prep. And not just lube. You need anal plugs to prep hours in advance so your not as tight for penetration.

    I swear people don’t understand the lengths you need to go through to have mind blowing anal but it requires serious prep time if you want to slide in someone’s ass properly!

    So Op, do NOT let him get his way regarding this till you have a SERIOUS discussion, clothes on, outside the bedroom.

  24. The good thing here is that he has a house. So they will hopefully get a lien on his home.

    Never sign on behalf of a boyfriend again.

    And yes, you leave him.

  25. Date someone who trusts you enough to pick your own clothes. Nobody should ever tell you what to wear. His jealousy is his issue, not yours.

  26. His reaction gave it away… if something is weird or unusual you have a right to question it, and in a healthy relationship the partner will just explain why something was weird or unusual. I have literally never seen a situation like yours when the questioned partner freaks out like that and they WEREN’T guilty of something.

    I’m really sorry you’re going through this, but something like that is better learned sooner rather than later. He was waiting for an opportunity and if it wasn’t Julia it would have been someone else. Your health, safety, and emotional well-being will be better off without him.

  27. I wouldn't say you are in the wrong at all. She sounds like she is the one with trust issues, maybe to cover up her shortcomings?

    I can't say to you what to do, but I can assure you, it will get worse, and you will be unhappier for it.

  28. Why are you picking at silly things to start real arguments over? I think that is question that you need to answer.

    His family is under no obligation to invite your family over. None. In fact most of the time the two families remain just that–two families. If you want to get them together hey, how about you invite them to your house together. FFS.

    And yet you are so bothered by something you completely invented that you fight over it to the point where you 'lose your mind'. Over this????? Are you kidding me??????

    I don't blame him for not wanting to be with you. What is next–are you going to start a fight over the arrangement of the throw pillows or something just as stupid?

    Get therapy or do some serious soul searching about why you are doing this and literally sabotaging your relationship.

  29. Yeah, you already know she is flirting with him and hiding the extent of their relationship. You already feel let down and are acting in way you see as unethical because you’ve lost trust in her somewhat.

    Don’t let this turn you into a sneak or manipulative partner. Pick a time considerately, ask her to have a serious talk. Tell her that you noticed all of this and that your trust is damaged. Tell her that you feel (sad, angry, hurt, scared) whatever you feel. Tell her you checked her messages and found stuff you believe indicates she is lying to you and that you will need to rethink your relationship with her. Apologize for boundary crossing/not just asking her directly, and be ready to acknowledge her anger about it. This may take more than one conversation, because you need to acknowledge your actions and you need her to acknowledge her own.

    Important: be gentle but firm, direct and respectful. Tell her what you want from her clearly and with love. Be prepared for her to react differently than you would, know ahead of time how you want to behave so you don’t get hooked into a dramatic scene of any kind.

  30. That's what I'm processing. Like this is teenage stuff you see on TV not adults and not me I'm not a party animal swingers. I'm pretty shattered. I'm guess I'm looking for arguments for their story but I don't think that's realistic

  31. You'd think, but I don't know the full context of what's going on with her. Regardless, a conversation needs to be had.

  32. Thank you. I'm in the process of writing a custody consent order. I'm printing it out and getting him too sign (his already agreed) when I pick the boys up on Sunday.

    I feel really pathetic for allowing myself to continually get entangled and broken. It really feels like he was only visiting because sex was on the table and as soon as he got a new chick he stopped coming round.

  33. Pick your graduation.

    It’s one thing if your family sucked enough to not be there for you, but they suck so much they don’t want YOU to be there for you.

    Also, congratulations on becoming a Doctor! Holy shit! That’s amazing!

  34. Well, then since they are your friends, why not just be honest and clear?

    Tell them the girls they set you up with were very nice women, but physically not your type and non-monogamy is a dealbreaker for you.

    Your preferences are valid, so don't be afraid to tell your friends this. What are you afraid of exactly?

  35. Solution: Everyone goes to therapy, separately and together. Especially your son – you will be doing your future adult son a HUGE favor.

  36. If you’re super wealthy mommy and daddy have you on birth control and an abortion fund so broke dudes aren’t stuck in their life

  37. But that's what boundaries are. If she doesn't listen to yours and she won't care for your feelings in this, it's when you get to decide how to behave in response. Are you going to let her violate your boundaries and feel resentment about it, or are you going to decide to say if he's going then I'm not going. Not in a mean, spiteful, punishment way – just she gets to make her choices and you get to make yours.

    If you don't go, she will be disappointed and maybe angry, but those are her feelings.

    I am from a very working class family that had no boundaries at all. My family didn't respond well to them at first, but I was reasonable, calm, and firm about where I was willing to compromise and where I wasn't. They get used to you changing, even if they don't like it, and then as the years have gone by, i honestly have the best relationships with my parents that I've ever had.

    But like with my dad, I put certain topics off limits and he would start talking about them. So I'd remind him I didn't want to talk about that and if he kept doing it, I would end the phone call or leave. I had to do that once. Not angry, because I didn't let myself get pushed to the point of anger. Just calmly – i said I didn't want to talk about this. I'm going to go now and we'll talk again soon. It didn't take long for him to respect that boundary (without talking about boundaries), and now I just enjoy him way more because I can talk to him about things we do connect on. And it's great.

  38. So looking at ops history it seems that she got the dog with her ex after they broke up I don't think it's the same as what you're saying

  39. Have you sought couples counseling or asked her for either of you to seek individual therapy? All this time you spend doing things to further yourself, what are you doing for your marriage? It takes two to make a marriage but food for thought, It also takes two to fail at one. You hate her. Cool. Do you know how she feels? She has told you no one listens to her. Do you take responsibility for your part of the “no one” group? I've been through a failed marriage with kids. It feels horrible. I get it. I also take responsibility for my part though. I don't really see you doing a lot of that.

  40. Oh dear. Choose to love yourself. There are many respectable men who will treat you right. Don’t do this to yourself.

    Choose yourself over an asshole.

  41. This isn’t “the tiniest shit”. Also why would you even laugh at someone who is upset at something? Who tf cares what YOU think ab the situation. Have some empathy

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