Only a few people here are giving you the actual tools that you can take with you whenever you are trying to discern whether your partner is a good fit for you. Let's take a step back from the Trump issue and generalize. Is it fine to break up over a difference in politics? Absolutely, it's fine to break up for any reason. You are the arbiter for what constitutes dealbreakers in your relationships, not the internet. Now, it's certainly fine to ask friends, family, and the web if you worry you might be unreasonable in some regard and fair enough. When it comes to someone's political compass, you can often take it as a proxy for a person's normative ethics and values. It's good to understand your boyfriend's values over anything else and see whether they are compatible with yours. Personally, I would find it difficult to be with someone that is conservative leaning, but that's me. Your political lives shouldn't be turned into a taboo, they should be front and center along with all the other domains that are of great importance when being with a partner. This is why when I've seen posts on this sub of the form “Everything is so great, we only disagree politically but we just don't discuss it”, I find it utterly baffling. I think you both should be able to discuss these topics, but if you find yourself a bit irritated by his views time and again, that could be a good signal that it might just be a dealbreaker and that's okay. There will be other people out there that are a better fit for you.
Then why you planning a future and to introduce your child to a dude you’ve known a month?
Only a few people here are giving you the actual tools that you can take with you whenever you are trying to discern whether your partner is a good fit for you. Let's take a step back from the Trump issue and generalize. Is it fine to break up over a difference in politics? Absolutely, it's fine to break up for any reason. You are the arbiter for what constitutes dealbreakers in your relationships, not the internet. Now, it's certainly fine to ask friends, family, and the web if you worry you might be unreasonable in some regard and fair enough. When it comes to someone's political compass, you can often take it as a proxy for a person's normative ethics and values. It's good to understand your boyfriend's values over anything else and see whether they are compatible with yours. Personally, I would find it difficult to be with someone that is conservative leaning, but that's me. Your political lives shouldn't be turned into a taboo, they should be front and center along with all the other domains that are of great importance when being with a partner. This is why when I've seen posts on this sub of the form “Everything is so great, we only disagree politically but we just don't discuss it”, I find it utterly baffling. I think you both should be able to discuss these topics, but if you find yourself a bit irritated by his views time and again, that could be a good signal that it might just be a dealbreaker and that's okay. There will be other people out there that are a better fit for you.