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Ale_Lewislive sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “Ale_Lewislive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I notice you don't say what the question was. Why is it missing? Is that because you know that it was a bad time? Or why is it missing?

  2. What advice or commentary do yall have for a situation like this?

    Leave, recover and find someone better. There is no recovering from the multiple levels of lies and the shatter trust. There is no saving someone who says “I can lie to you and still love you” because he's basically saying “I'm not going to stop lying”.

    How can you even trust that “he can feel the love”? That's probably a lie too.

    Its better to leave now before it gets worse.

    Find an live! support group. Talk to others in your shoes. Get help. Get out and get away from him.

  3. Our plan is for him to get a few solo sessions under his belt before we do couple sessions, but yes, it’s on the agenda.

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