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Date: October 19, 2022
SHHH!!! , ♥ squirt 99tk ♥ anal 222tk ♥ ride 169 ♥ boobs 30tk ♥ anal 344tk ♥ [222 tokens remaining] [112 tokens remaining]
Your gift is thoughtful and really sweet. Your parents suggestion is nice, but $250 for jewellery at the 3 month mark is a bit too much imo. If you want to buy her jewellery, I’d say go with something less expensive, but don’t feel forced to buy expensive stuff for her just because you can.
The difference between what your dad is doing vs her boyfriend is at the core of this spilt.
The right will push that the libs are indoctrinating kids with a trans agenda. They make this notion that a socialist push is all the left wants and if that doesn’t scare the base they call it communist. They don’t want women to have the right to make medical decisions about their pregnancy. They are even angling towards taking away voting rights under the guise of protecting elections from fraud that nobody can prove exists on the massive scale they think it does. Of course when cases are uncovered it’s not enough to sway the results like they suggest and it happens both ways.
The left may be capable of producing people who rabidly support that side or spew memes as well but what are they doing to harm the right? If you want to have that baby have it, if you want to be traditional, be traditional. Just don’t force your choices on everyone else.
I don’t know why these “sides” are always compared when they really aren’t doing the same thing.
Is he a doctor or something? What does he do?