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Alison-Lamba live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 6, 2022

23 thoughts on “Alison-Lamba live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yikes she’s afraid of being alone and probably trying to test the waters so to speak. Cheaters never change. She’s staying with you out of convenience

  2. The most important thing I want you to remember is that you are not replaceable. You have gone through a great amount of hardship and yet still manage to be the loving partner and father figure your family needs. Acknowledging your trauma and seeking help with a counselor is taking an incredibly brave step towards healing which should be applauded.

    I suggest trying to focus on understanding why certain things may be difficult for both you and your fiancée, rather than placing blame or trying to “win” an argument. Recognizing where each person is coming from will create room for more open communication such as having honest conversations about what can make each other feel secure in the relationship again. At its core, relationships require mutual respect, trust, boundaries and communication – all of which take time, patience and effort; however it's possible if two people are committed enough.

  3. If your girlfriend has a problem with what you did, she should be talking to you. Instead, she decides to play cold shoulder. I never get this oversharing relationship details outside the relationship; not even for venting. I never do it because it's in ny opinion pointless and a little disrespectful cuz essentially you're shaming your partner to other people. And you know what reply you will be getting.

    Do what you feel is right but this would not fly with me.

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  5. You shouldn’t be with this boyfriend. He is not supportive of you. Tell him what you did. That way he will break up with you and set you free to find someone better.

  6. You're Thirty. Goddamn. Seven. And you STILL think you can get your way without a fight.

    I'm a year older than you with the same basic parents. How you have not learned this lesson in 37 years I genuinely do not know.

    You have 3 options.

    1) Do what they want

    2) Draw the hardest line in the sand possible, make them see you on your terms or not at all, be prepared for them to stop talking to you or fight and MEET THEM in and FIGHT THEM. Shit talk them to family. Scream at them. Escalate past what they're willing to tolerate. Win the fight and get your way.

    3) Go no contact permanently, or until they come to you on your terms.

    That's it. Those are your three options, there are not nor have there ever been nor will there ever be a 4th. You will become an immortal and survive the heat death of the universe before you discover a 4th option that is not literally murdering your parents to remove them from your life issues list.

  7. No, but it's still eliminating food, permanently. Again she needs to learn to manage because she's gonna be around people who aren't gonna cater to her diet. Him not buying her dumplings is supporting her. She said no and he listened. If he has bought her the dumplings anyway that wouldn't be supporting her diet.

  8. It’s a simple “Interesting, I didn’t know about that.” and that’s it. You give the other person a chance to express and speak their minds, just like how many people have given you the same chance.

  9. No I wasn’t connecting it to my friend at all. She’s out of the relationship now and working on healing and that’s what I was telling him about, how relieved I am and how much pain she must still be in. Me and him always had this joke together during our whole relationship, that he teases and is “mean” and I must regret marrying him. It just happened to be during the same phone call again today.

    Usually I let him take the teasing further than me but today I wanted to tease him back. And I guess I didn’t realize the limits, which is my fault. It was insensitive and I didn’t think about how he might process it, especially after we just talked about my friend and him being a man too. I was stupid to not realize what could’ve happened and took it too far. I will work on thinking about his perspective more next time.

  10. Yes! The solution is to dump him. He’s a trash person who has no respect for you at all. What he did is sexual assault. He raped you. And then blamed you for it!!

    This is a him problem. Not a you problem. Your vagina is fine. He’s just a porn addict with a death grip. He’s horrible and you deserve better.

  11. 3 weeks? You are strangers and you’ve already seen some character traits you don’t find compatible with what you want.

    Dating is purely to find out what you DO want. It’s not meant to be to try and make yourself fit with someone incompatible. It’s not to try and change someone.

    If you’re already finding issues after such a minuscule time then why bother?

  12. In your 30’s? Get desperate plates and shut the f up! The real issue wouldn’t been if you put it on the shared pile. He’s tripping. That’s some weird shit to be mad about.

    I don’t even eat ketchup. My bf and I don’t share our potatoes because of it. I like mustard. He likes ketchup sometimes. It’s fine.

    ITS YOUR MOUTH ? why the f does he care that you like tomatoes and sugar sauce ???

    It’s your mouth !!! Just be Castanza and buy your own ketchup.

  13. Come on dude. Your 36 year old wife was wasted at a rooftop party getting felt up while making out with some random guy, went back to his hotel room, and all they did was… cuddle? You’re seriously believing that?

    You need to remember this is the same woman who lied to you everyday for the past 3 years. You can’t believe a word she says.

    Don’t stay with her because of the kid. You want your child to grow up in a house where it’s obvious her dad has a ton of resentment for her mom? Best thing to do for your kid is to divorce and find happiness with someone else.

  14. Every person has boundaries and certain rules for relationship. If the other person doesn’t fit in them its better to break up and move on

  15. Yeah he just says the he wants to keep the peace between the two so when he goes to court then he can have baby come to us for visits. I feel like she knows he is in a relationship, but he says that he tells her that’s not going to help the situation right now to be talking about that stuff.

  16. I mean that made all of us laugh but it is the truth. A man that lies and cheats and is always forgiven will continue to do so. Honest he's in a relationship with her, you're the side chick that's always gonna be there at this point. Make sure you understand that. He keeps coming back to you not because he loves you, but because he knows he can have you and you won't do anything. Big difference. Seen this millions of times, until you grow a backbone you will continue to be the doormat. I have had to tell women flat out things like hey this is just sex for me, or I'm not romantically interested in you but this can be physical, etc etc. Then I notice they have feelings, I tell them, they say their fine, so I keep sleeping with them. Guess who always winds up hurt (hint .. IT ISN'T ME). And at least I'm honest with them, although I do see the scumbag nature of continuing to sleep with them, but hey we are all adults in our 30s and 40s, when I warn you and you still want to continue to do it, in my book that's on you. Sadly your husband isn't even that honest with you and he's gaslighting you and you're still around. Like he's a total scumbag. You've wasted enough years on him, time to move on. Let her have him, she already does anyway. She's definitely more in control of the situation and of him than you are.

  17. You’re in a relationship with someone that doesn’t have future , get out of this relationship, you deserve better .

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